Gotta Catch ’em All! Pokémon Names in French Posted by Josh Dougherty on Aug 25, 2016 in Culture, Vocabulary
While current articles are stating that Pokémon Go usage has been decreasing, it’s no secret that this active game has been on everyone’s phones since July. Walk down the street at 2 in the morning and you’ll find Pokémon trainers. See a large group of people walking around together with their noses buried in their phones? Probably catching some Pokémon. I’ve managed to avoid the addiction, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been talked into doing it for my friends while they were driving (safety first).
When the game was first released, 90s kids rejoiced in celebration. A new Independence Day movie, a Clinton running for office, and Pokémon was highly relevant again – it’s a return to childhood for my generation! (I’ve also heard Surge soda has been rerelased, but I have yet to see this elixir of the gods in stores around me). One of my favorite things about learning French was (and still is, I should say) rediscovering things I grew up with. While I was reading the Harry Potter series and learning all about muggles and Hogwarts, kids in France were having the same experience, but with des Moldus and Poulard.
In addition to Potter, I’ve also relearned Disney songs in French. Tap into the knowledge you already have – it really does help with your foreign language skills. Despite that, I realized I’d never learned Pokémon terms in French. Some of the terms and names are certainly the same, but do you know who Chétiflor is? Read on to find out!
Ah, Pokémon – those pocket monster animals that live in harmony with humans but that possess special abilities normal animals don’t have. I love my pets, but they can’t spit fire or produce electricity. Pour attraper les Pokémon (To catch Pokémon – note that there is no S on the plural, just like if you’re pluralizing last names in French), you need to have une Poké Ball to keep them in. Once you have a few of them, you can organiser des combats entre les monstres (organize fights with the monsters). Chaque dresseur Pokémon (Each Pokémon trainer – feminine form is une dresseuse) voyage à travers le monde (travels throughout the world) to catch the highest amount of monsters possible. The ultimate goal is to become un Maître Pokémon (Pokémon Master). Ok, enough with the gross oversimplifications, let’s get on to the characters!
After 6 generations, there are more than 700 of these creatures. For this post, though, I’m only going to focus on la première génération (the first generation). Which is your favorite?
Bulbizarre | Bulbasaur | Rondoudou | Jigglypuff |
Herbizarre | Ivysaur | Grodoudou | Wigglytuff |
Florizarre | Venusaur | Nosferapti | Zubat |
Salamèche | Charmander | Nosferalto | Golbat |
Reptincel | Charmeleon | Mystherbe | Oddish |
Dracaufeu | Charizard | Ortide | Gloom |
Carapuce | Squirtle | Rafflésia | Vileplume |
Carabaffe | Wartortle | Paras | Paras |
Tortank | Blastoise | Parasect | Parasect |
Chenipan | Caterpie | Mimitoss | Venonat |
Chrysacier | Metapod | Aéromite | Venomoth |
Papilusion | Butterfree | Taupiqueur | Diglett |
Aspicot | Weedle | Triopikeur | Dugtrio |
Coconfort | Kakuna | Miaouss | Meowth |
Dardargnan | Beedrill | Persian | Persian |
Roucool | Pidgey | Psykokwak | Psyduck |
Roucoups | Pidgeotto | Akwakwak | Golduck |
Roucarnage | Pigeot | Férosinge | Mankey |
Rattata | Rattata | Colossinge | Primeape |
Rattatac | Raticate | Caninos | Growlithe |
Piafabec | Spearow | Arcanin | Arcanine |
Rapasdepic | Fearow | Ptitard | Poliwag |
Abo | Ekans | Têtarte | Poliwhirl |
Arbok | Arbok | Tartard | Poliwrath |
Pikachu | Pikachu | Abra | Abra |
Raichu | Raichu | Kadabra | Kadabra |
Sabelette | Sandshrew | Alakazam | Alakazam |
Sablaireau | Sandslash | Machoc | Machoc |
Nidoran♀ | Nidoran♀ | Machopeur | Machoke |
Nidorina | Nidorina | Mackogneur | Machamp |
Nidoqueen | Nidoqueen | Chétiflor | Bellsprout |
Nidoran♂ | Nidoran ♂ | Boustiflor | Weepinbell |
Nidorino | Nidorino | Empiflor | Victreebel |
Nidoking | Nidoking | Tentacool | Tentacool |
Mélofée | Clefairy | Tentacruel | Tentacruel |
Mélodelfe | Clefable | Racaillou | Geodude |
Goupix | Vulpix | Gravalanch | Graveler |
Feunard | Ninetales | Grolem | Golem |
Ponyta | Ponyta | Kangourex | Kangaskhan |
Galopa | Rapidash | Hypotrempe | Horsea |
Ramoloss | Slowpoke | Hypocéan | Seadra |
Flagadoss | Slowbro | Poissirène | Goldeen |
Magnéti | Magnemite | Poissoroy | Seaking |
Magnéton | Magneton | Stari | Staryu |
Canarticho | Farfetch’d | Staross | Starmie |
Doduo | Doduo | M. Mime | Mr. Mime |
Dodrio | Dodrio | Insécateur | Scyther |
Otaria | Seel | Lippoutou | Jynx |
Lamantine | Dewgong | Élektek | Electabuzz |
Tadmorv | Grimer | Magmar | Magmar |
Grotadmorv | Mulk | Scarabrute | Pinsir |
Kokiyas | Shellder | Tauros | Tauros |
Crustabri | Cloyster | Magicaroe | Magikarp |
Fantominus | Gastly | Léviator | Gyarados |
Spectrum | Hunter | Lokhlass | Lapras |
Extoplasma | Gengar | Métamorph | Ditto |
Onix | Onix | Évoli | Eevee |
Soporifik | Steelix | Aquali | Vaporeon |
Hypnomade | Hypno | Voltali | Jolteon |
Krabby | Krabby | Pyroli | Flareon |
Krabboss | Kingler | Porygon | Porygon |
Voltorbe | Voltorb | Amonita | Omanyte |
Électrode | Electrode | Amonistar | Omastar |
Nœunœuf | Exeggcute | Kabuto | Kabuto |
Noadkoko | Exeggutor | Kabutops | Kabutops |
Osselait | Cubone | Ptéra | Aerodactyl |
Ossatueur | Marowak | Ronflex | Snorlax |
Kicklee | Hitmonlee | Artikodin | Articuno |
Tygnon | Hitmonchan | Électhor | Zapdos |
Excelangue | Lickitung | Sulfura | Moltres |
Smogo | Koffing | Minidraco | Dratini |
Smogogo | Weezing | Draco | Dragonair |
Rhinocorne | Rhyhorn | Dracolosse | Dragonite |
Rhinoféros | Rhydon | Mewtwo | Mewtwo |
Leveinard | Chansey | Mew | Mew |
Saquedeneu | Tangela |
Attrapez-les tous ! (Gotta catch ’em all!)

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claire Lorenz:
I love this post!!! Thanks so much.