Today, we suggest you review with us the basic unités du temps (units of time.)
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* Tout d’abord (first of all), il y a la seconde(there’s the second.)
“Le tour du monde en 80 secondes” (“Around the world in 80 seconds”)!
Directed by two voyageurs: Romain Pergeaux & Alex Profit. A project performed within only 3 semaines (3 weeks.) This route is a tribute to the famous Jules Verne‘s book “Le tour du monde en 80 jours“. The making of the video, pictures of the trip, and an interview of Alex Profit can be found at!
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* Ensuite, il y a la minute (then, there is the minute), qui se compose de soixante secondes (which is composed of sixty seconds.)
This short video will be a “blast from the past” for all les nostalgiques of French TV in the 90s!
The générique of the News bulletin on the French channel M6 called “6 Minutes“—Some claim that the music includes a message in Morse code which says “M-6″… Can anyone confirm this?
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– Soixante minutes nous donnent une heure(Sixty minutes give us an hour.)
“L’heure exquise” (“The Exquisite Hour”) by the French and Venezuelan-born Reynaldo Hahn, a composition which has famously brought fin de siècle symbolist Paul Verlaine to tears
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* Et vingt-quatre heures nous donnent un jour (And twenty four hours give us a day.)
A short video that briefly describes (in French) “le siècle des Lumières” (“The Enlightenment”), which happens to mention the Duc d’Orléans—A pity that it doesn’t “shed any light”, even briefly, on the particularly “obscure role” played by this very same Duke, together with his “3 SUiSSES”, in undermining the truly bright work of Lafayette and his American-backed faction at the outset of the French Revolution!
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* Enfin, dix siècles donne un millénaire (Finally, ten centuries give a millenium)!
Sommet du Millénaire de Montréal (Montreal Millenium Summit):
A “globalist event” hosted by many well-intentioned people (among others, with different “time agendas”, of course)