French Language Blog

I Put a Spell on You! All Your Favorite “Hocus Pocus” Moments in French Posted by on Oct 28, 2017 in Culture, Vocabulary

Halloween is right around the corner. Jack-o-lanterns are on front porches. Pretty leaves are on the ground and sidewalks. Last-minute costumes are being purchased. Blah, blah, blah, etc. etc. etc. There’s certainly something magical about this time of year, but everyone knows the true reason for the season is the 1993 classic film “Hocus Pocus. ”

Despite its cult status today, it didn’t perform so well when it first came out. When it premiered in the theaters, it only grossed $39 million. Critics didn’t like it, either. Robert Ebert (of the famed Siskel and Ebert critics) wrote that, “Watching the movie is like attending a party you weren’t invited to, and where you don’t know anybody, and they’re all in on a joke but won’t explain it to you.” Okay.

That all changed, though, when Disney purchased Fox Family Channel and turned it into ABC Family in 2002. In October, Disney’s  ‘failed’ movie started showing up in the 13 Nights of Halloween specials. Executives noted that “Hocus Pocus” received a much higher viewer count than the rest of the movies in the lineup, and this year, there will be a full-day marathon on Halloween. Definitely a staple now.

This popularity is found overseas, too. You can imagine my delight when a friend in France told me he’d loved watching the movie as a child, too. Today, we’re going to look at some of the best lines from the movie’s official French translations. The first line is the original English line in the movie followed by the French equivalent. Below that is the translation of the line.


 It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus.
C’est de la blague, ces trucs magiques !
These magical things are a joke

Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!
Regardez, encore un matin radieux. Ça me donne envie de vomir !
Look, another radiant morning. It makes me want to puke!

I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine!
Que mon pouvoir t’envoûtes … tu seras à moi !
Let my power entice you…you’ll be mine!

>>Want to hear the French version of the song? Click here! Lyrics can be found here.<<

Billy: Go to hell!
Winifred: Oh! I’ve been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely.
-Va en enfer !
-J’en viens, merci !
J’ai trouvé l’endroit fort agréable.
-Go to hell!
-I just got back from there, thanks! I found the place very pleasant.

Winifred: Sisters, All Hallow’s Eve has become a night of frolic, where children wear costumes and run amok!
Sarah: Amok! Amok, amok, amok, amok, amok.
– La nuit d’Halloween est devenue une nuit de folie où les enfants sont déguisés, et tout le monde s’amuse !
-S’amuse ? S’amuse..s
-The night of Halloween has become a crazy night where gets are disguised and everyone has fun!
-Has fun? Has fun, has fun, has fun!

Allison: I like your costume, Dani.
Dani: Thank you! I really like yours too. Of course, I couldn’t wear anything like that because I don’t have any. What do you call them, Max? Yabbos? Max likes your yabbos. In fact, he loves them!
– Je trouve ton déguisement génial, Dani.
-Merci ! Le tien est très chouette aussi, bien sûr je ne peux en porter un pareil parce que j’ai pas de… tu appelles ça comment, Max ? AH…DES “RO PLO PLOS”. Max aime beaucoup tes “roploplos”.. je dirais même qu’il les adore !
-I like your costume, Dani.
Yours is great, too. Of course, I couldn’t wear one like that because I don’t have…what do you call them, Max? Ah, boobs. Max likes your boobs. I’d even say he adores them.

Winifred Sanderson: Why? Why was I cursed with such idiot sisters?
Sarah: Just lucky, I guess.
-Pourquoi ai-j’été affligér de 2 soeurs aussi idiotes !
-Tu as encore de la chance !
-Why was I afflicted with 2 idiot sisters?
-You’re just lucky!

Sarah: What is this place?
Mary: It reeks of children!
Winifred: It is a prison for children.
-Qu’est ce que c’est que ce bâtiment?
– Ça sent..les enfants !
-C’est une prison pour enfants.
-What is this building?
-It smells like children!
-It’s a prison for children.

Winifred: Well, tell me friend, what is this contraption?
Bus Driver: I call it a bus.
Winifred: A bus. And its purpose?
Bus Driver: To convey gorgeous creatures such as yourselves to your most…forbidden desires.
Winifred: Well, fancy! We desire children.
Bus Driver: Hey, it may take me a couple of tries, but I don’t think there’s gonna be a problem.
-Dîtes-moi, cher, qu’est…Ce véhicule ?
-Je crois que c’est un bus.
-À quoi cela sert-il ?
-À conduire des créatures de rêves comme vous à la réalisation de leurs plus…fabuleux désirs secrets !
-Ah ah ah !
Et bien..Vous allez rire…Nous désirons…des enfants.
-Ah, ça ne marchera peut-être pas au 1er coup, mais je crois que ça va pas poser de problème.
-Tell me dear, what is this vehicle?
-I believe it’s a bus.
-What does it do?
-To drive dream creatures like you to their most…fabulous secret desires!
-Ah, well, you’re going to laugh…we desire…children.
-Ah, it might not work on the first try, but I don’t think it’ll be a problem.

Jay: Oh man, how come it’s always the ugly chicks that stay out late?
Winifred: Chicks?
-Comment ça se fait que celles qui traînent la nuit, c’est toujours des vielles laides ?
-Laides ?
-How come the ones who hang out at night are always the old ugly ones?

Sarah: I am alive!
Winifred: Damn that boy, he’s tricked us again.
Mary: Oh, you’re right, you’re always right.
Winifred: It’s my curse, that and you two! Get off me you thundering oafs!
-Je suis vivante !
-Enervant ce garçon. Il nous a encore berné !
-Tu as toujours raison.
-C’est une malédiction ! D’ailleurs..Vous en êtes une aussi !
Tirez-vous de là, sinistres idiotes !!!
-I’m alive!
-This boy is so annoying – he’s deceived us again!
-You’re always right.
-It’s a curse! Incidentally…so are you! Get off me, sinister idiots!

Dani: You’re my kitty now. You’ll have milk and tuna fish every day. And you’ll only hunt mice for fun.
Thackery Binx: You’re going to turn me into one of those fat, useless, contented house cats.
Dani: You betcha.
-Tu es mon petit chat maintenant… Tu auras du bon lait et du délice de thon tous les jours ! Les souris, tu les attraperas pour jouer.
-Tu vas me transformer en un de ces gros chats bien contents qui ne servent à rien !
-Tu penses que oui ?
-You’re my little cat now. You’ll have good milk and tuna delight every night! And you’ll only hunt mice for fun.
-You’re going to transform me into one of those fat, happy cats who do nothing!
-You think so?

Mary: It’s the chocolate covered finger of a man named Clark!
Ce sont les doigts enrobés de chocolat d’un homme qui s’appelait Cadburry
It’s the chocolate-covered fingers of a man named Cabdurry!


Any classic “Hocus Pocus” quote you’d love to learn in French?

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About the Author: Josh Dougherty

Just your typical francophile. If you have any topics you'd like me to discuss, feel free to let me know!