Joyeuse fête du premier mai à vous tous !
Of course, you all know that today is la fête du travail (the International Workers’ Day), a celebration which takes place nearly everywhere in the world…
But did you know that the First of May is also the special date of another celebration in France?
Réfléchissez un petit peu (think for a little bit)…
No? You never, ever, heard of it?
Well, mes amis, that French celebration is actually called la fête du Muguet (the Lily of the Valley Celebration), which is at the very least 450 years old!
Le muguet du premier mai (May First’s Lily of the Valley)
Anny et Jean-Marc Versini
Il sort le bout de son nez
It sticks its nose out
Quand arrive le mois de mai
When comes the month of May
Le muguet, le muguet
The Lily of the Valley, The Lily of the Valley
Le muguet du premier mai
May First’s Lily of the Valley
On le cueille dans la forêt
It is picked in the forest
Pour en faire un gros bouquet
To make a big bouquet out of it
Le muguet, le muguet
The Lily of the Valley, The Lily of the Valley
Le muguet du premier mai
May First’s Lily of the Valley
Il est toujours bien venu
It is always welcome
Et fleurit au coin des rues
And blooms in the corner of the streets
Le muguet, le muguet
The Lily of the Valley, The Lily of the Valley
Le muguet du premier mai
May First’s Lily of the Valley
C’est un vrai porte-bonheur
It is a true lucky charm
C’est la plus jolie des fleurs
It’s the prettiest of all flowers
Le muguet, le muguet
The Lily of the Valley, The Lily of the Valley
Le muguet du premier mai
May First’s Lily of the Valley
Je l’ai mis dans le salon
I put it in the living room
Il parfume la maison
It perfumes the house
Clair Maloude:
J’adore Le Muguet du Premier Mai !
A glorious celebration in France! No, I never, ever heard of it.
The Lily of the Valley is of great sentimental value to me. The young man whom I later married – and alas! divorced – gave me a sprig on a tape of piano music that he had made for me. Our wedding invitations were embossed with a bouquet of lilies of the valley. We moved to a house set by a forest to welcome – our baby was due May 1st – and raise our infant son and there by the side of the house grew the Lily of the Valley.
Merci beaucoup, Hichem. Terrific post ! Tres magnifique !!
Bill Hipwell menage:
Bravo pour votre site, je le trouve convivial et instructif.