Le jour le plus froid au monde (The Coldest Day in the World) Posted by Hichem on Feb 3, 2014 in Music, Vocabulary
Today’s post tells l’histoire (the story) of Little Jack, a boy born in l’Écosse (Scotland) on what is said to have been le jour le plus froid du monde (the coldest day in the world), nearly a century and a half ago.
On that fateful day, baby Little Jack had his cœur gelé (heart frozen.)
A mysterious midwife, called Docteur Madeleine, carefully replaced his heart with a pendule à coucou (cuckoo-clock.)
The transplant worked just fine…
But it did not work just anyhow.
It functioned according to some very specific conditions.
Most important of all these conditions was the Little Jack was to never, ever, fall in love.
All his life, Little jack lived worry-free.
That is, until the day he met Andalusian singer Miss Acacia.
Le Jour le Plus Froid au Monde (The Coldest Day in the World)
On dit que je suis né le jour le plus froid du monde
They say I was born on the coldest day of the world
On dit que je suis né avec le cœur gelé
They say I was born with a frozen heart
On dirait même qu’on m’a porté à bout de ventre
It looks even like I got out of the womb
En haut de la colline qui surplombe la ville… ET SES CLOCHERS!
On top of the hill overlooking the city… And its steeples!
Là haut, vivait dans une drôle de maison, une sage femme dite folle par tous les habitants
Up there, lived in a strange house, a midwife said to be crazy by all the inhabitants
Alors qu’elle passait son temps à réparer les gens, les perdus, les cassés, avec ou sans papier
When in fact she spent her time reparing the lost and broken people, legal and illegal alike
Oh, Madeleine qui aimait tant
Oh, Madeleine who liked so much
Oh, Madeleine qui adorait
Oh, Madeleine who loved so much
Oh, Madeleine qui aimait tant…
Oh, Madeleine who liked so much…
Reparing people!
Comme elle m’a installé sur la table de la cuisine
When she set me up on the kitchen table
J’ai cru un instant qu’elle voulait me dévorer
I thought for a moment that she wanted to devour me
Me prendrait-elle pour une poulet grlllé
Is she mistaking me for a grilled chicken
Que l’on aurait oublié de tuer?
That people forgot to kill?
Elle me découpait la peau de la poitrine
She cut the skin of my chest
Ses grands ciseaux crantés plantés entre mes os
Her big notched scissors stuck between my bones
Elle a glissé une horloge dans mes débris glacés en lieux et place de mon petit cœur gelé
She slipped through a clock into my iced remains to replace my little frozen heart
Oh, Madeleine qui aimait tant
Oh, Madeleine who liked so much
Oh, Madeleine qui adorait
Oh, Madeleine who loved so much
Oh, Madeleine qui aimait tant…
Oh, Madeleine who liked so much…
Reparing people!
Elle m’a dit: “Mon petit, il y a trois choses que jamais
She said to me: “Son, there are three things that never
Oh grand jamais tu n’devras oublier
Ever you are to forget
Premièrement, ne touche pas à tes aiguilles
First of all, do not touch your clock hands
Deuxièment, ta colère tu devras maitriser
Second, you must contain your anger
Et surtout ne jamais oublier, quoi qu’il arrive
And especially never forget, no matter what happens
Ne jamais se laisser tomber amoureux
Never let your self fall in love
Car alors pour toujours, à l’horloge de ton coeur
Because the forever, within your heart clock
La grande aiguille des heures transpercera ta peau
The big hand of time shall pierce your skin
Explosera l’horloge
The clock will explode
Imploseront tes os
Your bones will implode
La mécanique du cœur
The mechanics of your heart
Sera brisée de nouveau
Will be broken once again
Oh Madeleine
Oh Madeleine
Oh Madeleine…

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