Les parties internes du corps Posted by Bridgette on Jan 29, 2021 in Language, Vocabulary
Salut tout le monde!
If you have studied French before, you probably know the basic body parts, la tête, les bras, les jambes, etc… but have you ever learned les parties internes du corps – the internal parts of the body? There are over 80!
le cerveau – brain
Le cerveau pense et interprète l’information.
The brain thinks and processes information.
le coeur – heart
Le coeur pompe le sang.
The heart pumps the blood.
les poumons – lungs
Les poumons respirent l’air.
The lungs breathe air.
l’estomac – stomach
L’estomac digère la nourriture.
The stomach digests food.
l’appendice – appendix
On m’a enlevé l’appendice il y a des années.
They took out my appendix years ago.
les reins – kidneys
Les reins filtrent le sang.
Kidneys filter the blood.
le foie – liver
Le foie filtre le sang.
The liver filters the blood.
les intestins – intestines
Les intestins digère la nourriture.
The intestines digest the food.
le pancréas – pancreas
Le pancréas produit de l’insuline.
The pancreas produces insulin.
la gorge – the throat
La gorge est le passage de l’air et de la nourriture
The throat is the passageway for air and food.
les veines – veins
Les veines transportent le sang vers le cœur.
Veins carry blood to the heart
les artères – arteries
Les artères transportent le sang du cœur.
Arteries carry blood away from the heart
le muscle – muscle
Les muscles déplacent le corps.
The muscles move the body.
le nerf – nerve
Il y a plus de 7 billions de nerfs dans le corps humain.
There are more than 7 trillion nerves in the human body.
la peau – skin
La peau est le plus gros organe.
The skin is the largest organ.
la vessie – the bladder
La vessie colectionne l’urine.
The bladder collects urine.
l’organe – organ
le squelette – skeleton
le crâne – skull
la côte – rib
la machoire – jaw
le sang – blood
la colonne vertébrale – spine
l’os – bone
l’oesophage – esophagus
la trachée – trachea
… et les parties internes du corps continuent! Can you write sentences for the internal body parts above in the comments, or add your own? Il y en a beaucoup plus, there are many more!

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Sam ieng:
It’s a very useful page so far on vocabulary for the internal organs. Thank you.
Jill Hancock:
Great article about the internal organs of the body.
Presented in an easy way to clearly understand and remember. Thankyou ??