Les réseaux sociaux en France Posted by Bridgette on Mar 26, 2021 in Language, Vocabulary
Les réseaux sociaux en France – Social Media in France
If you don’t use les réseaux sociaux to help advance your French studies, I would highly suggest it. Social media can really allow you to immerse yourself even further into the culture and language that you are learning. If you are on Instagram or Facebook, I would suggest following creators that post in French, or even teachers who post specifically for learners of French. On YouTube there are also plenty of teachers you can follow, or French comedians could also be a great way to practice.
There are so many ways you can follow native speakers and hear natural French in a more informal setting. There is even a new audio only social media app called Clubhouse that has been becoming really popular. It’s like a live podcast that allows the audience to participate. This app is especially good for practicing languages and connecting with native speakers!
Here are some social media related vocabulary items that you will hear:
nom d’utilisateur – username
partager – to share
s’abonner – to subscribe, to follow
sauvegarder – to save
se connecter – to login
s’identifier – to login
signaler, bloquer – to report, to block
s’inscrire – to sign up, to register
suggérer des amis – to suggest friends
suivre – to follow
supprimer – to remove
taguer quelqu’un sur une photo – to tag somebody in a photo
un abonné, une abonnée – a follower, a subscriber
un mot de passe – password
un sujet tendance – a trending topic
une mise à jour du statut – a status update
une photo du profil – a profile photo
voir les liens d’amitié – see friendship
un ami – a friend
une demande d’amitié – a friend request
valider la demande d’amitié – to accept the friend request
ajouter à mes amis – to add a friend
amis en commun – mutual friends
taguer – to tag
une notification – a notification
navigueur, surfer – to browse, to surf
ne plus suivre – unfollow
un j’aime – a like
aimer – to like
liker – to like (regular ER verb)
un like – a like
mettre un commentaire, un article, une photo – to post (a comment, an article, a photo)
un commentaire, un post – a post
un paramètre de confidentialité – a privacy setting
connecté – connected
connexion – log in
déconnecté – disconnected
déconnexion – log out
un profil – a profile
publier une photo – to publish a picture
tweeter – to tweet (regular ER verb)
retweeter – retweet (regular ER verb)
la page profil – home page
la page d’accueil – home page
la timeline – the timeline
un hashtag – hashtag
les tweets tendance – trending tweets
un tweet – a tweet

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