French Language Blog

Les textos en français Posted by on Oct 22, 2021 in Culture

Les textos en français – Texts in French

A few weeks back Tim posted a blog all about emojis in French. This week I want to talk about les textos en français. 

For some, text slang may be a nuisance that’s ‘ruining the language’ but some may argue that modern online conversations require quick and hurried responses. Love it or hate it, it’s a constantly evolving form of the language and it is here to stay.

Photo from Pixabay, CCO.

Let’s start off with some basics: 

Cc = Coucou. = Hey there!

Slt= Salut. = Hi!

Bjr = Bonjour. = Hello

Bsr = Bonsoir. = Good evening

Easy enough? Now let’s take a look at some more: 

MDA = Merci d’avance = Thanks in advance.

Mr6 = Merci = Thanks (thx)

Pk = Pourquoi = Why

STP = S’il te plaît = Please

Dsl = Desolé =  Sorry

DAC = d’accord = OK

MDR = Mort de rire = ‘dying of laughter’ (lol)

EXPDR = Explosé de rire =  ‘exploding with laughter’ (rofl)

C = C’est = it’s

C Ca = C’est ça = that’s it

CT= C’était = it was

G = J’ai = I have

GT= J’étais = I was

A+=  à plus tard = see you later (c u l8r)

A TT = à tout à l’heure = Talk to you later. (ttyl)

Je re = je reviens tout de suite = (brb)

Koi = Quoi = What

Jamè =  Jamais = Never

Eske =  Est-ce que… = Is it…

2m1 = Demain = Tomorrow

Koi 2 9 =  quoi de neuf ? = What’s new?


Of course none of these are necessary for yourself to use when texting, but could be helpful if you ever receive a text or are reading through a French twitter feed or any other place you may see short and very informal text in French. If you don’t know the acronym (since this isn’t an exhaustive list) I would suggest sounding it out phonetically in French. 😊 (For a more complete list.. check out here.)

For some fun, try to write a comment in the chat using some of our new French text skills. I’ll start off the conversation:

CC ! Koi 2 9 ? C étrange, le SMS ! Essaies-le, STP. 😄 Mr6, A+ !


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About the Author: Bridgette

Just your average Irish-American Italo-Francophone. Client Engagement for Transparent Language.