French Language Blog

Tag Archives: b.a.-ba de l’argot

Must-Know French Slang: Laisse Béton Posted by on Oct 29, 2010

Oyez, oyez ! We’re now officiellement about to cover la première moitié (the first half) of the alphabet in our featured “B.A.-BA de l’argot” (“the ABC of French Slang”), and in order to properly celebrate this one happy occasion, we shall concentrate today on one and only expression which, in many funny ways, epitomizes French Slang: “LAISSE BÉTON !“ This is a “concrete” (uhm) example of a “bétonnière…

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“Hey KEUM, Tu KIFFES l’argot ou KOI?” (an enKore of the ABC of French Slang) Posted by on Oct 11, 2010

Attachez vos ceintures tout le monde (buckle up everybody), c’est reparti pour le B.A.-BA de l’argot (here we go again for the ABC of French Slang), avec aujourd’hui la lettre “K”! “K Comme…” (“K as in…”) * KEUF: Even though ça a pris un léger coup de vieux (it aged a bit), this French slang word is still used for “cops”, who are…

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French Slang ABCs: Expressions with the Letter I Posted by on Sep 15, 2010

From the letter ‘G’, nous sautons directement vers la lettre ‘I’ (we jump straight towards the letter ‘I’), since there aren’t any French slang words starting with ‘H‘ that belong to the “must know” category of argot that we have so far covered in this series, “le B.A.-BA de l’Argot (The ABC of French Slang.)” “I comme…” (“I…

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How do you feel about French vegetables? Posted by on Sep 2, 2010

When you were très jeune (very young), did you enjoy eating all types of vegetables, or only a select few? Did you have the kind of dream parents who indulge you with the luxury of choosing what you want to eat, or did they force-feed you toutes les légumes sans exception (all the vegetables, no exception) because -they always said-…

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French Slang Expressions with the Letter G (Part 2) Posted by on Aug 25, 2010

La dernière fois (last time), we dealt with la première partie (the first part) of the letter “G“, as we introdued the slang words: “gaga” (senile), “galère” (tough time), “gamin” (a kid), and “géant” (awesome.) “G comme…”: “G as in…” : * GIVRÉ: Just as in “dingue” (see “D comme…” B.A.-BA de l’Argot (the ABC of French Slang…

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French Slang Expressions with the Letter F Posted by on Jun 28, 2010

Le B.A.-BA de l’Argot (The ABC of French Slang) is back, and today, it’s with la lettre F, containing a long répertoire of words and expressions which you will surely like to learn and memorize, and more importantly, above all else, to recognize, whether in reading or hearing. Allez, c’est parti ! (Here we go!) * * *…

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