“Hey KEUM, Tu KIFFES l’argot ou KOI?” (an enKore of the ABC of French Slang) Posted by Hichem on Oct 11, 2010 in Culture, Music, Vocabulary
Attachez vos ceintures tout le monde (buckle up everybody), c’est reparti pour le B.A.-BA de l’argot (here we go again for the ABC of French Slang), avec aujourd’hui la lettre “K”!
Even though ça a pris un léger coup de vieux (it aged a bit), this French slang word is still used for “cops”, who are also known informaly as“flics” (Exemple bien classique: “Deux Flics à Miami“, or “Two Cops in Miami”, which is the French title of “Miami Vice.”) Notice also that while English-speaking people like sometimes to call policemen “pigs”, the French, on the other hand, prefer to refer to them as “les poulets” (“chickens”)… A chacun ses goûts (To each their own)!
Les Inconnus’ “Keufs et les meufs, dans le RER” (“The ‘chicks’ and the ‘pigs’ in the RER—The French suburb commute)—And that’s, mesdames et messieurs (ladies and gents), even way before Snoop Dog got to “park it like it’s hot”!
It sounds almost just like keuf, but it’s with an “m” in the end. Yet another one of those verlan (backslang) words, it comes from the (French slang as well) word “mec” meaning a “guy”, a “dude.”
“Les MiniKeums”, le test: Ask anyone who grew up as child in France in the 90’s if they knew “les MiniKeums“… Une question plutôt rhétorique (A rather rhetorical question)
If you heard someone tell you not to worry, because “c’est kif-kif“, what does it mean?
It simply means that “either way, it’s just the same”, “it makes no difference.”
Whether you say: “C’est bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet“, or “C’est kif-kif“, in fact, “c’est du pareil au même” (“It amounts to the same.”)
Pigé (Get it?)
Un klébard or un klébs is a dog. Like we saw for the argot word “cabot” and the lovely expression of “sac à puces” (flea bag!), French people seem to never run out of particularly affectionate sobriquets in order to catch the attention of their beloved toutous (“little puppies.”)
Want more? Here are the links to the previous chapters of the B.A.-BA, always listed alphabetically, afin de vous rendre la vie plus simple (in order to make your life easier):
– B: * B.A.-BA de l’Argot: ‘B’ (the ABC of French Slang: ‘B’)
* B.A.-BA de l’Argot: ‘B’ [Cont.] (the ABC of French Slang: ‘B’ [Cont.])
– C: * “C comme…” B.A.-BA de l’Argot (the ABC of French Slang: ‘C’)
* “C comme…(Ça Continue!)” B.A.-BA de l’Argot (the ABC of French Slang: ‘C’ [cont.])
– D: * “D comme…” B.A.-BA de l’Argot (the ABC of French Slang: ‘D’)
– E: * “E comme…” B.A.-BA de l’Argot (the ABC of French Slang: ‘E’)
– F: * “F comme…” B.A.-BA de l’Argot: ‘F’ [1] (the ABC of French Slang: ‘F’ [1])
* “F comme…” B.A.-BA de l’Argot: ‘F’ [2] (the ABC of French Slang: ‘F’ [2])
– G: * More French Slang! B.A.-BA de l’Argot: “Lettre G” (1ère partie)
* More French SLANG! B.A.-BA de l’Argot: “Lettre G” (2ème partie)—and ATTENTION aux MEUPORGs!
* “GRATOS!” and other ‘G’ French Slang words (3ème partie)
– I: * ‘I’ comme “Illico Presto!”—and more from le B.A.-BA de l’Argot (The ABC of French Slang)

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merci beaucoup…very informative 🙂