French Language Blog

Tag Archives: bargeot

French Slang Expressions with the Letter G (Part 2) Posted by on Aug 25, 2010

La dernière fois (last time), we dealt with la première partie (the first part) of the letter “G“, as we introdued the slang words: “gaga” (senile), “galère” (tough time), “gamin” (a kid), and “géant” (awesome.) “G comme…”: “G as in…” : * GIVRÉ: Just as in “dingue” (see “D comme…” B.A.-BA de l’Argot (the ABC of French Slang…

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The ABCs of French Slang: B Expressions Posted by on Apr 28, 2010

Aujourd’hui, nous allons couvrir la lettre ‘B’ (Today, we shall cover the letter ‘B’.) * Bachoter: Meaning to study crazily hard. For example: “Pour devenir un énarque, tu dois bachoter comme un dingue!” (“In order to become an énaque, you must study like crazy!”) What is an “énarque“? Well, see for yourself “What is an Énarque?” (…

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