Tag Archives: chanson
French pronunciation basics part 1 Posted by Tim Hildreth on Mar 7, 2017
In a recent reader survey, one of the top requests you, chers lecteurs, (dear readers) of the Transparent Language French blog made, was for more help with pronunciation. Providing a comprehensive overview of French pronunciation would take une éternité (an eternity / forever), but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a go at it! A…
Drôles d’invitées* Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 13, 2016
Le temps des fêtes (holiday season) is just about my favorite time of year. At my house we love to really get into it and decorate which . . . when you do it the way we do . . . takes some time! While we decorate, we like to watch movies that put us…
What Does This House in San Francisco Have to do with the French? Posted by Josh Dougherty on Jan 28, 2016
Exactly one year ago today, I hopped on a plane to go visit a friend in San Francisco. I’d originally only planned to stay for 5 weeks, mais je suis tombé amoureux de la ville (but I fell in love with the city), and I never left. Whoops. I was excited about what it had…
Petite Question: Parlez-vous Français? Posted by Hichem on Jan 12, 2013
Discover a really fun video today, a bit in the style of the “Flight of the Conchords“, who knew un franc succès (a great success) a few years ago, especially in the beginner and intermediate level French classes! If you don’t know “the Flight”, you should definitely check their grand tube (big hit) titled “Foux de Fa Fa.” It makes pêle-mêle (higgledy-piggledy) references to “la baguette“, “le jus…
Conjugaison: Le Verbe Voyager Posted by Hichem on Mar 24, 2011
The nominal form of the verb voyager is voyage—as in the famous chanson “Voyage, voyage“! (By “Desireless”) * * * * Conjugaison du verbe: Voyager I N D I C A T I F Présent je tu il nous vous ils voyage voyages voyage voyageons voyagez voyagent Imparfait je tu il nous vous ils voyageais voyageais…