French Language Blog

Tag Archives: french cuisine

How to Make and Bake a Classic French Croissant—All By Yourself! Posted by on Aug 22, 2012

Trust me, mes amis, making your own croissant has nothing of a miracle—oui, oui, you can do it yourself! Today, we’ll show you that you won’t be needing any special hardware to make and bake a classic French croissant. The whole thing is a matter of mastering “la bonne technique“. The video of Ed and Marieke…

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Survival Guide for Vegetarians in France Posted by on Feb 25, 2012

Yes, it’s no secret, France can be un vrai paradis for all the meat-lovers of the world: Beef, chicken, lamb, pork—not to mention, of course, les cuisses de grenouille (frog legs) and escargot! But… how about les végétariens living out there?  Vegetarians, fear not! Below is a list of words to help you navigate a French menu or food label. Things you want: Végétarien: Vegetarian  Végétalien: Vegan Le soja: Soy Le tofu: Tofu…

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Filet Mignon from the French Coast of Normandy Posted by on Aug 20, 2011

 If you are among the countless fans of fine French cuisine whose péché mignon (little weakness) happens to be a filet mignon, then don’t look anywhere else, because this delicious recette (recipe) hailing from the French coasts of la Normandie (Normandy) is just for you! Pour 4 personnes (for 4 people): 800 gof filet mignon of veau (veal) cut…

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“Garçon!” How to (Politely) Complain in French Restaurants Posted by on Apr 16, 2011

Quoi qu’il arrive (whatever happens), try at all costs not to antagonize the French chef! * * * How to (Politely) Complain in French Restaurants—Or Congratulate the Chef Although the stereotypical image of the viciously rude French waiter is no doubt often exaggerated around the world, here at The French Blog we want to make…

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