Yes, it’s no secret, France can be un vrai paradis for all the meat-lovers of the world: Beef, chicken, lamb, pork—not to mention, of course, les cuisses de grenouille (frog legs) and escargot! But… how about les végétariens living out there?

Vegetarians, fear not! Below is a list of words to help you navigate a French menu or food label.
Things you want:
- Végétarien: Vegetarian
- Végétalien: Vegan
- Le soja: Soy
- Le tofu: Tofu
- Céréales Grains
- Le gluten: Gluten
- Les germes: Sprouts
- Germes de soja: Beansprouts
- Avoine: Oats
- Sans graisse animale; Without animal fat
- Magasin diététique: Health Food Shop
- Des lentilles: Lentils
- Des lentilles verts: Green lentils
- Les pois chiche: Chickpea
- La noix: Walnuts
- La noisette: Hazelnut
- Les cajous: Cashew nuts
- Les haricots Azuki: Azuki beans
- Le boulghour: Bulguar wheat
Things you probably don’t want:
- La viande: Meat
- La graisse animale: Animal fat
- La gélatine: Gelatin
- La Glycérine: Glycerin
- Albumine: Albumen
- La colle de poisson: Isinglass
- La lanoline: Lanolin
- Le poil: Bristle
- La présure: Rennet
- Suif: Tallow