French Language Blog

Tag Archives: french dessert

French Summer Dessert: Cherry-Almond Clafoutis Posted by on May 30, 2013

Nothing like a tasty French dessert with plenty of cerises (cherries) and amandes (almonds) to kickstart the Summer! Here’s how to prepare it, mes amis: Put a rack in the middle of an oven and heat it up to 350°F. Put in a large bowl 3 cups of small fresh sweet or sour cherries with 1/2 Tbs…

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How to Make Madeleines Posted by on Mar 6, 2013

How to make and bake the French Lorraine classic madeleines in just dix étapes très faciles (ten very easy steps)! A slightly different approach by le chef Pierre-Dominique of Larousse Cuisine (that’s right, the same as the famous French dictionary) ► CE DONT VOUS AUREZ BESOIN (What you will need): Two cups of farine (flour) Six separated œufs (eggs) Twenty cuillères à soupe (tablespoons) of melted and cooled…

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HOT French Dessert for the Winter: Mango Soufflé Posted by on Nov 18, 2012

In winter, quand la température est très basse (when the temperature is very low), tasting a HOT dessert at home can be a real bliss! In today’s post, we’ll go through the few steps of preparing un soufflé aux mangues (a Mango Soufflé), as indicated in the useful French website (meaning “quick and easy recipes“), which features la cuisine en…

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Delicious French Dessert: Tarte Tatin Posted by on Sep 29, 2012

Named after a chef by the name of Stephanie Tatin who lived more than a hundred years ago, this elegant French dessert was invented almost as a result of an accident—and what a deliciously happy accident it was! The Cooking Channel rates this recipe “Difficult“, but it’s no reason for us to baisser les bras…

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French Dessert: Îles Flottantes (Floating Islands) Posted by on Aug 31, 2012

Mes amis, you are all welcome aboard the “Îles flottantes“, which in French means “Floating Islands“! When prepared with love and passion, tasting these exquisite French “Dessert Islands” is likely to offer you the sensational experience of traveling to some faraway French Caribbean “Desserted Island” 🙂   To prepare this French dessert, which is also…

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Crème brûlée – with Nutella Posted by on Feb 27, 2012

You like to eat tons of Nutella, with and without bread? And you also like Crème brûlée? Well, then look no further for a dessert recette (recipe) that you will just love to prepare—and taste!    Here’s how to do it, pour quatre personnes (for four people): 30 cl of lait (milk) 20 cl of crème fraiche (fresh cream)…

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