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Tag Archives: French gender

How to Guess the Gender of French Nouns Posted by on Jun 29, 2015

One of the hardest things about French is memorizing the genders of nouns. In the beginning, it’s based on pure memorization. However, after a while, many non-native French speakers will tell you that they just have a feeling about a word, even if its one they’ve never heard before. But, as the band Boston puts…

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French Language – Gender of Inanimate Nouns Posted by on Feb 25, 2009

We’ve talked about gender before and today we’ll discuss it some more as it can be difficult for English speakers when learning French because we don’t really have these issues in our language.  Many nouns have a fixed gender.  The suffixes can indicate the gender of these nouns, but there are many, many exceptions.  Some…

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French Language – Animate Nouns and Gender Posted by on Dec 11, 2008

We could say that there are six different types of nouns: animate nouns (people, animals), inanimate nouns (things, ideas), proper nouns (such as cities and names), common nouns (such as avenue, liberté), simple nouns (such as fourchette, papier, ami) and compound nouns (such as croque-monsieur, boîte aux lettres).  Today, we’re going to talk about animate…

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