French Language Blog

Tag Archives: French language

French Music – Katty Line Posted by on Dec 11, 2018

December is here and the holidays are right around the corner! After the last few weeks looking back to World War I and the recent protests that have rocked France, I thought we could all use something a little lighter … something like this great groovy 1960’s hit from Katty Line. Qui est Katty Line?…

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French Culture – Candy Commercial Posted by on Oct 30, 2018

I was poking around online this week and came across a great video about the first French TV commercial. And since, as John reminded us last week, it’s almost Halloween, I thought it would be fun to look at a cute recent pub (short for (la) publicité / ad or commercial) about les bonbons (candy). La Pub à la télé en…

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Useful French Vocabulary – The head and face Posted by on Oct 16, 2018

Idioms and other non-literal expressions can make learning another language more difficult. If you have the right attitude though, they can also make it more fun, they can help you learn useful vocabulary, and incorporating them into your everyday speech can help you sound more like a native. This week we’ll look at a number…

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French Grammar – Relative Pronouns Posted by on Oct 9, 2018

Relative pronouns help add clarity to language by identifying the who, what, where, or when. This week we’ll look at the three main pronoms relatifs (relative pronouns) in French: qui, que, and où. Qui When it stands alone or comes at the start of a sentence, qui generally means who? Qui ? / Who? Qui…

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French Music – Indochine Posted by on Sep 18, 2018

L’été touche à sa fin (Summer is coming to a close). It might seem a bit early to get nostalgic about it, but I find I’m already feeling ‘fallish’. La rentrée is behind us and les nuits sont plus fraîches (nights are cooler).  What better time to review the seasons … and share another great song (one…

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French Culture – Driving in France Posted by on Sep 4, 2018

My son and I just got back from ten amazing days in France. We were going back to revisit some of the great places we saw the year before. We had a great time seeing family, eating great food, and exploring the sights (and in the coming weeks, I’ll share some of the highlights). And…

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French Music and Vocabulary – Just say no Posted by on Aug 28, 2018

The French verb vouloir is a handy one for expressing what you want. It can also be handy for expressing what you don’t want, as in this song from Camelia Jordana. Camelia is preforming live at Les Victoires de la Musique a sort of French version of the Grammy Awards. If after listening to this catchy tune you…

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