French Language Blog

French Culture – Candy Commercial Posted by on Oct 30, 2018 in Culture, Vocabulary

I was poking around online this week and came across a great video about the first French TV commercial. And since, as John reminded us last week, it’s almost Halloween, I thought it would be fun to look at a cute recent pub (short for (la) publicité / ad or commercial) about les bonbons (candy).

Watch out! While the related term un spot publicitaire is masculine, the word pub is feminine … not to be confused with un pub which refers to an English-style drinking (and eating) establishment (and is pronounced accordingly)!

La Pub à la télé en France / TV Commercials in France

Selon ce clip de M6 info (According to this video from M6 info), the very first TV commercials in France (including one pour le fromage Boursinfor Boursin cheese) aired le premier octobre, 1968 (October 1, 1968)*. Advertising around the world has evolved a lot since those early days, but I still find French TV commercials among the most entertaining.

[Dans le train…] [On the train…]
  [Pour votre santé, mangez au moins cinq fruits et légumes par jour.] [For your health, eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day. URL: manger – to eat, bouger – to move]
La dame blonde: Oh des Fraises Tagada^! J’adore ! Oh ! Tagada Strawberries. I love (those)!
La dame brune : Moi aussi ! Me too !
Le monsieur aux cheveux gris : Ça fait des guilis sur la langue … They make my tongue tingle…
L’homme aux cheveux noirs : Moi j’ai fait un cœur. I made a heart.
Le monsieur aux cheveux gris : Non ! C’est pas^^ comme ça les cœurs, c’est comme ça ! No ! Hearts aren’t like that, they’re like this!
La dame brune : Moi je fais des écouteurs … I made some headphones…
L’homme aux cheveux noirs : Ah oui ! Oh yes !
La dame blonde: Je crois que je vais tomber par terre tellement c’est bon. I think I’m going to fall on the ground they’re so good.
  [Tous rigolent] [They all laugh]
Le narrateur : Tagada : On grandira plus tard. Tagada : We’ll grow up later.
Le chœur : Haribo, c’est beau la vie, pour les grands et les petits ! Haribo, life is good, for the big and for the small!

Tagada is an onomatopoeia for the sound of a horse galloping in French … it is apparently also an insane amusement park ride in some parts of the world!
^^ This formulation should of course be “ce n’est pas” but it is very common for French speakers (of all ages) to omit the ‘ne’ when speaking, especially in informal/familiar conversations.

* Donc, un peu avant ma naissance … et maintenant vous savez à peu près mon age 😉 … 

Photo by from Pexels [CC0]

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About the Author: Tim Hildreth

Since my first trip to France at 16, I have been a passionate francophile. I love the language, food, music, art, people, and more that make France and la Francophonie in general such an amazing part of our global community. Having lived in France and studied the language and culture for over 35 years, it is my great pleasure to be able to share a little bit of my deep love with you through this blog.