Tag Archives: free French lessons
Diverse May Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 17, 2022

After our miscellaneous March and April news round up, we’re back with the monthly news and some fun vocabulary updates for mai divers. Eurovision As was widely anticipated, Ukraine won the most recent edition of the Eurovision Song Contest this past weekend. “Le Kalush Orchestra, dont la chanson Stefania mêle hip-hop et musique traditionnelle, a recueilli 631…
10 … 9 … 8 … Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 28, 2021

Christmas has come and gone and the new year is at hand. Sadly this December 31st’s festivities in Paris will be muted again à cause de Covid. “Il y aura une interdiction des rassemblements festifs ainsi qu’une interdiction des concerts et feux d’artifice [… et] la vente et la consommation d’alcool sera aussi prohibée.” The…
French Vehicles Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 26, 2021

I’ve written about transportation before … and I’ve also written about the efforts that cities like Paris are making to reduce their presence in their midst, but I realized recently that I’ve never done a review of basic French vocabulary for les véhicules. French vehicles Les véhicules Vehicles Les véhicules à deux roues Two-wheeled vehicles La…
Opening up … again Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 25, 2021

Just over a year ago, I wrote a post called Opening Up. While it already felt long, we were really still in the early days of Covid, and France was coming off of their first significant confinement and trying to get back to normal. Twelve months … and multiple re-confinements and a few couvre-feux later … France…
A word to the weather wise Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 4, 2021

While my musings tend to turn to France (with occasional detours north of the border!), French is a global language and la Francophonie has a global footprint. This week we’ll look at two examples that remind us of the richness of French in all its global grooviness. A world of language Spoken in une trentaine…
Spring in Paris Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 6, 2021

Easter was this past weekend, or Pâques, as it is known in France. Et qui dit Pâques, dit printemps. But this printemps will be unlike any other as France is in the midst of a third nationwide Covid lockdown. Still, spring in Paris is something to be celebrated. Un troisième confinement bis A few weeks…
French Vocabulary – Here, There, & Everywhere Posted by Tim Hildreth on Sep 15, 2020

A few weeks ago I linked to a post about the differences between encore and toujours. It got me thinking about other words in French that you can use for things that are frequent. Here, there, & everywhere Partout When something isn’t just happening içi (here) or là-bas (there) but is happening everywhere, then it…