Tag Archives: French vocabulary
Let’s start at the very beginning… Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jul 26, 2022

As they say, it’s a very good place to start. It turns out, it’s also a good place to end. After 6 years … and over 300 posts! … this will be my last blog for Transparent Language. All good things… My French journey began way back in 1981 when I was in the 7th…
Hugs & Kisses from France Posted by Tim Hildreth on Nov 2, 2021

I went down a little bit of a rabbit hole this week after I realized that the French word embrasser – which I’ve always known to mean kiss – literally means to take in one’s arms (see the word bras/arm right there in the word!). And when you dig in a bit, there’s a lot more to hugs &…
French Vehicles Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 26, 2021

I’ve written about transportation before … and I’ve also written about the efforts that cities like Paris are making to reduce their presence in their midst, but I realized recently that I’ve never done a review of basic French vocabulary for les véhicules. French vehicles Les véhicules Vehicles Les véhicules à deux roues Two-wheeled vehicles La…
AOP’s vs. Nutri-Score Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 19, 2021

I came across a story for all you foodies out there – a news story especially of interest to those of you (us!) who love to eat but also care about your health. Discussions set to be held today (mardi, 19 octobre, 2021) will pit some of Europe’s most recognized AOP’s against a European-wide Nutri-Score…
At the French zoo Posted by Tim Hildreth on Oct 12, 2021

Not everyone is down with zoos these days. But for some people, a well-run local parc zoologiqueis the closest that they will ever come to seeing and learning about different animaux. Since 1934, Parisians have been able to experience a variety of animaux sauvages by visiting the Parc Zoologique de Vincennes (commonly known as the zoo de…
Vacation Time Tunes Posted by Tim Hildreth on Aug 3, 2021

I’m taking a little vacation this week. The timing is right, since in France, August is traditionally the start of the période des grandes vacances. But it’s still a strange time to be travelling, so I’m staying close to home. But whether travelling near or far, nothing makes me feel more “in the mood for…
A French Geography Lesson Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jul 6, 2021

As vacation season arrives – in this very strange (almost, hopefully!) post-Covid world – it seemed like a good to time to trot out some useful vocabulary. So this week it’s time for a French geography lesson. A French Geography Lesson With apologies to anyone who associates geography lessons with school, the common terms below…