French Language Blog

Tag Archives: French language

Green France Posted by on Oct 24, 2017

France has a long history of using alternative sources of fuel to generate electricity. After the global oil crisis of the early 1970’s France embarked on an ambitious program to ensure energy independence and today generates about 75% of its electricity from nuclear. While nuclear may not be the greenest source of energy, on our…

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French Writer – Anatole France Posted by on Oct 17, 2017

When I’m in Paris, I love to flâner sur les quais de la Seine et faire les bouquinistes (stroll along the quais of the Seine and visit the antique book sellers/stands). During my last trip I found a little book by an author about whom I had often heard but who I had never read…

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French singer – Anais Posted by on Oct 3, 2017

It’s octobre (October) and that means l’automne (fall), but it also means all the kids are (for the most part) settled back in school. School is where we learn some of life’s most important lessons comme le français (like French) and, for some, it’s where they first learn about l’amour (love). This week’s song pour les filles…

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The monarchy is dead Posted by on Sep 26, 2017

Long live the nobility! One thing I’ve always found funny about France is that a country that so dramatically tried to eliminate all traces of the monarchy* (and ultimately did) would still have a fascination for – and many examples of – a noble class of landed aristocracy lying around. I came across two more…

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Typical and charming Posted by on Sep 19, 2017

In one of my early posts on Paris, I referred to the opening scene of the movie Julie and Julia in which Meryl Streep playing Julia Child asks about finding somewhere eat, somewhere typique et charmant. At the time I was talking about one of my favorite restaurants in Paris. During my recent travels around…

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A perfect marriage Posted by on Sep 5, 2017

Last Tuesday I got home from a wonderful 12-day trip to France for a family wedding. It was my first trip back in 4 years, and the first trip I’ve made to France with many of my family members. It was also the first trip I’ve ever made to France that I didn’t get to…

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Describing people in French Posted by on Jul 25, 2017

In a previous post, I talked about the irregular French adjectives beau, vieux, and nouveau, useful for describing the relative age and attractiveness of people and things*. This week we’ll talk about ways to describe some of the physical characteristics of people. Voilà Sophie / This is Sophie. Sophie est blonde. Elle a les cheveux…

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