French Language Blog

Tag Archives: French language

French Music – Saint André Posted by on Feb 11, 2020

We had Groundhog Day here in the US recently. The Groundhog Day tradition veut (is supposed to mean) that the arrival of spring will – or will not be – early depending on whether la marmotte (the groundhog) sees its ombre (shadow) or not. En attendant le printemps Regardless of what the groundhog said, we…

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French Culture – Ride Sharing Posted by on Feb 4, 2020

We’ve talked before about all the different ways to get around when in France. Whether you’re a tourist exploring the city, a commuter on your daily commute, or un pilote de course (a race car driver) there are always ways to get where you’re going. That was easier said than done, of course, during the…

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French Grammar – Tell me why Posted by on Jan 28, 2020

Recently we looked les pronoms démonstratifs. You remember, those words that help answer the question “Which ______?” This week we’ll look at how to respond to the question “Pourquoi?” using a few useful conjunctions. Parce que Anyone with little children is used to hearing them ask “Pourquoi?” (“Why?”). It’s a question that follows us throughout our lives…

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French Commercial – Online Shopping Posted by on Jan 21, 2020

The internet has made just about everyone’s lives easier … even those of these joueurs (players) from the Stade Français équipe de rugby (French rugby team) as they work to save a team dinner! DARTY présente …Le Click & Collect DARTY presents … the Click & Collect Joueur 1: Oh non la plancha ne marche plus !…

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French Language – Demonstrative Pronouns Posted by on Jan 14, 2020

Pronouns are handy – they can save us from repeating the same nouns over and over again – and important – as you get deeper into language learning, knowing your pronouns will help you understand more … and sound more like a native! But pronouns can also be tricky. An especially tricky category of pronouns is…

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French Language – Time and Temperature Posted by on Jan 7, 2020

What better time than the beginning of a new year (and the beginning of l’hiver / winter) to talk about the time and the weather. My colleagues here at Transparent Language have covered some of this before, so think of this week as a review … with some helpful tips and new vocabulary. C’est l’heure…

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French Culture – Oh what a year! Posted by on Dec 31, 2019

It is once again New Year’s Eve, and around the world people are greeting un nouvel an even as they look back at the year (et toute une décennie ! / and a whole decade) that is coming to an end. And what a year it was! Les Français dans les rues As far back as La Révolution…

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