Tag Archives: French vocabulary
Top 10 Funniest French Names of Flowers (Part 1) Posted by Hichem on Jan 19, 2013
If you pay attention to English, you’ll notice here and there a few names of flowers which are quite funny: Ever heard of “Busy Lizzie“, or even better, of the slightly pushy-sounding “Forget-Me-Not” (“…especially on my birthdays”, kind of thing)? Now, how about le français? Thanks to our carefully selected TOP 10, there’s no shred of doubt about…
Foxy and Frenchy! Posted by Hichem on Jan 15, 2013
Today, mes amis, you have some French homework to do. But no worries, it’s going to be FUN! Your assignment is to to translate into English the following words extracted from the theme of the 100% classic French cartoon “Moi, Renart“: The easy terms are: Poche Cœur Menteur Gentil Lunettes Assiette Chaussettes Voisin The ones a…
French Vocabulary: Shopping at the Supermarket Posted by Hichem on Sep 19, 2012
If you ever go to France one day, either for a visit, or to move in for work or studying, one of the things you will have to do on your own is buying food, from le supermarché (supermarket) or the local épicerie (food store.) The first useful sentence you probably should learn is “excusez-moi” (“excuse me”)…
Learning tip: Reading! Posted by Adir on Jul 6, 2012
Many of you may frown upon the idea of reading so let me tell you a bit of my story. I started teaching at 17 and as a non-native teacher I decided to improve my English by reading and listening. Luckily I worked at a school that had a lot of books in English, by…
Talking about movies in French Posted by Adir on Jul 2, 2012
Salut! Comment ça va? I hope you had a great weekend and let’s kick off today with some very useful sentences used to talk about movies in French. On y va?! Quel type de film vous aimez? [What kind of movies do you like?] Je n’aime pas trop les films d’horreur. [I don’t like horror…
French Idioms Related to Waiting Posted by Adir on Jun 29, 2012
Nobody likes to wait, right? At least for a very long time. So here are some idioms related to the concept of waiting, in French. Faire le pied de grue / faire le poireau – to hang around, to wait while standing. Il a fait le pied de grue pendant une heure devant le restaurant…
Advanced French vocabulary: crime and criminals Posted by Adir on Jun 18, 2012
Salut, tout le monde! Comment ça va? Let’s check out today a list of very interesting words and expressions related to crime, in French. The Criminals – Les malfaiteurs le (la) pédophile – paedophile le cambrioleur – house-breaker le cambrioleur de banque – bank robber le complice – accomplice le meurtrier – murderer le narcotrafiquant…