French Language Blog

Tag Archives: les cesars

Celebrations Posted by on Mar 1, 2022

Today is mardi, le 1er mars … et c’est Mardi Gras! In honor of the day, today we look at a few different types of celebrations … Mardi Gras It’s traditional to feast on this last day before Lent, and for many the day’s eating isn’t complete without a local fried dough. Around France, each…

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V for “les Visiteurs” (Revisited) Posted by on May 17, 2010

This is not about “V for Vendetta”; it’s about another Sci-Fi classic. Do you remember watching the trilogy of “Retour vers le Futur“ (“Back to the Future”) starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, respectively featuring the teenager “Marty McFly” and the savant fou (mad scientist) “Dr. Emmett Brown”? The main plot of that movie was to have people from notre ère…

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