French Language Blog

Tag Archives: Paris

Getting in the mood . . . Posted by on Jun 27, 2017

… For France! At the end of le mois d’août (the month of August), my family and I are heading to France to celebrate a wedding. It has been over three years since my last trip to France, and I can hardly wait. Three years is a long time to be away from a place…

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Music and lyrics Posted by on Jan 10, 2017

If you’ve been following my blog posts this past year, you know that I love a good song. And what’s a good song, other than a story set to music? And who doesn’t love a good story? The 1980’s was the heyday of good story-songs and they are a great tool for learning language and…

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Plus ça change . . . * Posted by on Nov 22, 2016

Nostalgia, like jet-lag, is a modern phenomenon. Just like you can’t have jet-lag without jets – If you can’t change time zones faster than your body can adapt, you can’t lose sleep over it! – you can’t have nostalgia unless the present is significantly different from the past. And in today’s world – when so…

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Des transports hors communs !* Posted by on Sep 6, 2016

Paris has one of the oldest – and for my money, best – subway systems in the world. While le Métro is just one part of a vast network of public transport options in and around la capitale (including les trains de la SNCF, les bus, et les RER – gérés, comme le Métro, par…

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Peter Mayle doesn’t have a monopoly! Posted by on Aug 30, 2016

I just finished reading Peter Mayle’s wonderful “A Year in Provence” . . . only 25 or so years after it came out. It’s a lovely book, but I think I was avoiding it! Anytime anyone hears about my time in France they always ask “have you read . . . ?” which weirdly kept…

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Après moi, le déluge – Flood Vocabulary in French Posted by on Jun 2, 2016

If you’ve been following the news, you’ve probably heard of the torrential downpour in Europe that has caused flooding responsible for the death of at least 10 people. Unfortunately, la météo (the forecast) shows more rain in the coming days. Thousands of people in France have been evacuated as the floods have now been declared…

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A Beach in the Heart of Paris Posted by on Jul 23, 2015

With the return of summer comes beach season. Volleyball, bikinis, and ice cream… Because France is surrounded by water on 3 of 5 sides, you’re bound to find a beach you’ll like. Tu veux faire un petit plouf (want to make a splash) in the Atlantic? Try a beach at Les Sables d’Olonne, a beautiful…

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