French Language Blog

Tag Archives: Paris

Oui, Oui, French Boxing – aka “La Savate” Posted by on Oct 12, 2011

Ihe martial art of “French Boxing“, which is also known as “savate“, doesn’t date from yesterday, and for that reason it belongs to the category of les Arts Martiaux Historiques Européens (Historical European martial arts), such as the 15th century “Jeu de la hache (“game of the axe”), the English jujitsu-inspired “Bartitsu“, or the much older Greek pancrace (in…

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“Qui ne saute pas n’est pas Marseillais!” (Whoever Doesn’t Jump is Not from Marseille!) Posted by on Aug 5, 2011

If you travel all the way to Paris, and not even scream, but just *whisper* in the streets: “Allez l’OM” (OM = Olympique de Marseille), chances are, the crowds of people will start getting the impression that you are, as the French like to say, en train de chercher la petite bête (picking for a fight)!  It’s…

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Summer Parisian Soirées Posted by on Jul 17, 2011

With the now-renown French music group “Louise Attaque“, les soirées Parisiennes (the Parisian nights) offer an experience that’s easily comparable to un vol (a flight) over a volcano! With “Louise Attaque“, a Summer night in Paris combines the Tuscan beauty of Siena with the enthralling magic of le Brésil (Brazil)… Louise Attaque: “Les Nuits Parisiennes“ Et j’vis…

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Who’s the Best: Yves Montand Or Édith Piaf? Posted by on Jun 11, 2011

Today everyone is invited to vote, even though le départage, the “decide between” two towering giants of French song such as Yves Montand and Édith Piaf is by no means an easy task! Yves Montand’s “Sous le ciel de Paris” Édith Piaf’s “Sous le ciel de Paris” * “SOUS LE SOLEIL DE PARIS” (“Under the Paris Sky”)…

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To Catch A Taxi in France Posted by on Apr 27, 2011

“Taxi, vite, vite! (quick, quick!) À la Tour Eiffel!“ * * * It doesn’t matter if you speak like a native Parisien or a Marseillais, or only occasionally venture a word or two in French, if you go to France for a trip, for the purpose of experiencing a grand voyage (big trip), or to have…

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La Fête de la musique! Posted by on Jun 22, 2010

As I write this, on fait la fête à Paris (they’re partying in Paris). Aujourd’hui, le 21 juin, c’est la Fête de la musique! (It’s the Festival of Music!) En 1981, Maurice Fleuret, appointed Director of Music and Dance (Directeur de la Musique et de la Danse), had a dream : « la musique partout et le…

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Carrie Bradshaw à Paris Posted by on May 27, 2010

D’abord, je pense que je suis aussi fan d’Hichem que vous!  I think I’m as much a fan of Hichem as you are! “Thé à la menthe”  is one of my favorite chansons (songs), et j’adore Vincent Cassel. Sa femme n’est pas mal non plus (his wife isn’t bad either)—vous connaissez Monica Bellucci ? Motivée par…

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