Tag Archives: radio
The Best French Music of 2015! Posted by Josh Dougherty on Jan 21, 2016

If you’ve spent any time in France, you know very well that much of the music you hear will be in English – and it’s non censuré (uncensored), mind you. It’s also no secret that the French are proud of their language, and this is one of the reasons the government began imposing a law…
Surfing the French Radio Waves Part 1 Posted by Hichem on Jan 19, 2011
Vous allez en prendre plein les oreilles ! (You’ll have an earful!) Comme toujours (As always) the French Blog never shies away from providing you with original and sure-to-work tips in order to learn and improve your own level of français ! One of those suggested tips describe in detail how to “Meet your French…
À la une Posted by Jennie on Nov 11, 2010
À la une means « on the front page, » or at the head of the news stories. Ce soir, examinons ce qui est à la une en France- ou bien, ce qui est enterré dans les pages au milieu ! Je me suis rendue compte (I realized) que je n’ai pas lu de journal en français (that…