French Language Blog

Tag Archives: recipes

Hungry? You Need a Raclette. Posted by on Oct 8, 2017

As I write this, my body is slowly recovering from the abuse I just put it through this evening. Don’t worry – I didn’t run a marathon or do anything crazy like that, but I did eat way more than I should have in the form of a traditional and delicious Swiss meal that’s perfect…

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Want to Try a Nun’s Fart? No Really – They’re Delicious! Posted by on Mar 24, 2016

Who doesn’t love a good French pastry? Even those who aren’t fans of sweets (they really do exist…) have to partake in these culinary treats while abroad to see what the big deal is. France is known for its pastries, but there are so much more than just les pains aux chocolat and les croissants…

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