Tag Archives: weather
French at the movies Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 5, 2022

Almost lost in the aftermath of the gilfe that rocked the Oscar’s ceremony il y a dix jours was the amazing performance of the film Coda. The film, a remake of a 2014 French hit, took home the awards for meilleur acteur secondaire, meilleur scénario adapté, and of course meilleur film. La famille Bélier Like its French fore-bearer, Coda…
Get cozy Posted by Tim Hildreth on Feb 1, 2022

February may be the shortest month (thank goodness!) and meteorological spring might be just 28 days away, but with its cieux gris, neige, and froid, it can feel like the longest! For me, there is no better month to get cozy than février! Ça caille toujours … The weather hasn’t gotten any warmer since DjeuhDhoah…
Le Temps: Both Time and Weather? Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Oct 10, 2016

In French, le temps can mean both “time” and “weather”–which can be a bit confusing for new French learners. In French, le temps when referring specifically to time refers to time in the abstract. That means that you cannot ask the equivalent of “What time is it?” in French (Quel temps est-il, which is not correct). Rather, you would ask…