German Language Blog

Aus vs. Raus Posted by on Feb 16, 2015 in Grammar, Language

"Nazis raus: aus den Köpfen" - DIE LINKE.

Photo by hinkelstone on under CC BY 2.0

Guten Tag!

One of my favourite ways of getting inspiration for blog posts is simply by talking to people. I absolutely adore it when people ask me questions, because even if they are as simple as, “What’s the word for xyz in German?” I always come away from the conversation with new ideas.

This particular one came from a friend who was talking about the word Ausland. When I said that it literally translates to ‘Out-Country’ or ‘Out-Land’ he said, “But I thought the word for out was raus?” He thought this because he knew that the translation of the Rammstein song Rein, Raus was In, Out. I tried to explain why it was aus and not raus, but my explanations are always better when I’ve had time to sit, think, and write everything down. So that’s what I did. I hope this helps.


Aus is a little confusing because it has numerous meanings:

Aus can mean off (‘Mach das Licht aus’ – turn the light out)

Aus can mean come from (‘Er kommt aus Finnland’ – he comes from Finland)

Aus can mean made from (‘Aus welchem Material ist deine Jacke?’ – which material is your jacket made of?)

Aus can mean out of (‘Ich ging aus dem Haus’ – I went out of the house)

Aus can mean over/finished (‘Der Film ist aus’ – The film is over)

Using raus in place of aus in any of the above sentences would make the sentences meaningless.

If you said simply said “Aus.”, you’d be giving an instruction to switch something off/end something.

If you simply said “Raus.”, you’d be commanding someone or something to get out (of your home, office, etc.)


Raus comes from the word heraus, which roughly translates to ‘out of here’. The word raus is used as a command, implying that someone or something goes from one place to another. It is quite normal to say ‘Geh raus!’ (‘Get out!’) or ‘Raus von hier!’ (‘Get out of here!’), but saying ‘Geh aus!’ or ‘Aus von hier!’, using aus instead of raus, does not have the same implication.


Take the following two phrases, both of which literally translate to “Light out”:

Licht aus.
Licht raus.

So if both aus and raus mean out, these commands mean the same thing, right? Wrong.

Licht aus is telling you to turn off your light.
Licht raus is telling you to get out your light (as in, physically get it out of your pocket or something).


There is a song by Otto Kermbach titled “Licht aus, Messer raus!” meaning “Lights out, knife out!” It is immediately clear to an English speaker that these are two very different actions – turning a light out and getting a knife out – they just happen to share the same English word, ‘out’. But they do not in German. If you understand why these two actions differ, then you will be able to understand why aus and raus differ.


In the case of the Rammstein song Rein, Raus the use of these words instead of ‘Ein, Aus’ makes sense because the words ‘Rein’ and ‘Raus’ describe the actions of going ‘in and out’ (which matches the song’s, erm… commanding tone) whereas the words ‘Ein, Aus’ make it ambiguous; if it were called ‘Ein, Aus’ it could translate to ‘On, Off’, which is wrong, and nothing to do with the meaning of the song. Also note that the word rein comes from herein – just like raus comes from heraus – and means get in/go in.


A closing down sale sign that reads: “Alles muss raus!” – “Everything must go!” – Photo by kefraya on under CC BY-ND 2.0

So back to the original question: Why is it Ausland and not Rausland? Hopefully, if my post has been informative enough, you’ll now understand why the word Rausland makes no sense whatsoever. That might translate to… A country where everybody gets out? It is too nonsensical to even translate! The word Ausland, however, should now make perfect sense.


There are many more complexities to the German words aus and raus, and this post was not meant to cover them all. But I hope it has at least cleared up the confusion over why aus and raus are not one and the same.

As always, questions, suggestions and comments are welcome!

Bis später!

Constanze x

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About the Author: Constanze

Servus! I'm Constanze and I live in the UK. I'm half English and half German, and have been writing about German language and culture on this blog since 2014. I am also a fitness instructor & personal trainer.


  1. Mirko von Berner:

    Danke für die erklären. (Korrigiere Sie mich wenn es fahlen bitte) 😉 Ich will lernen.

    • Constanze:

      @Mirko von Berner Danke fuer den Kommentar! Dein Deutsch ist nicht schlecht, aber ein kleiner Fehler liegt hier: “Danke für die erklären” . Es soll lesen: “Danke für die Erklärung.” Erklärung = Substantiv (noun), erklären = Verb.
      Dann, anstatt “Korrigiere Sie mich wenn es fahlen bitte” – “Korrigieren Sie mich bitte, wenn es ein Fehler gibt”. Der Fehler = mistake. Ich glaube, Du wolltest “Fehler” schreiben, aber das ist nur eine Vermutung! Mach weiter mit Dein Deutsch. Und viel Spass damit. 🙂 Mein Deutsch ist ueberhaupt nicht perfekt, aber ich lerne immer mehr und mehr.

      Thank you for your comment! Your German is not bad at all, but there is a small error in this sentence: “Danke für die erklären” It should read: “”Danke für die Erklärung.” Erklärung = noun for the explanation, erklären = verb, ‘to explain’.
      Also, instead of saying, “”Korrigiere Sie mich wenn es fahlen bitte” you should write, “Korrigieren Sie mich bitte, wenn es ein Fehler gibt”. Der Fehler = the mistake. I am not totally sure what you meant by ‘fahlen’, so this was just a guess!
      Keep on going with your German, and have lots of fun with it! My German is not perfect, either. But I am constantly learning. That’s what matters. 🙂


  2. Richard Grupenhoff:

    I grew up in the 1940s and ’50s in Cincinnati. During and after WW2 German-American families like mine were not encouraged to speak Deutsch, but my mother had a few phrases that she continued to use. One of them was “Raus mit dir!” when she wanted us kinds to get out of the house. Thank you for the clarification!!!

    • Constanze:

      @Richard Grupenhoff There you go – a perfect example! Thanks for sharing, Richard. 🙂

  3. Allan Mahnke:

    I’m sorry that I missed this post! It seems to me that the distinction between aus and raus/heraus or other similar words is that the “her” combinations imply motion (Akkusativ statt Dativ.) Thankfully, German, unlike many other modern languages, preserves subtleties like this, which make understanding infinitely easier.

    • Constanze:

      @Allan Mahnke Cheers for the clarification. I’m sure it’ll be helpful to other readers. 🙂

  4. Sarah:

    I am also half German, but half American and my first language is also German. Your Erklärung is helpful. I will teach German in US and am not so good with this type of things.

    Viele Grüße aus Marburg

  5. Jeanie:

    Thank you for good information. I am learning A2.1 now and today I learned about rein/raus/runter/rüber. It is still basic course but there are lots of questions in my head 😀

    I will visit you often to read good german and english articles that will help to improve both languages.

    Danke schön! 🙂

  6. Pavel:

    Thanks a lot for the comprehensive clarification!

  7. Robert J. Smith:

    In your response to the comments on the post of Feb 16, 2015, instead of “Danke für die Erklärung”, would
    “Danke für das Erklären” also have been correct?

    • Constanze:

      @Robert J. Smith I’d stick to ‘Danke für die Erklärung’