German Language Blog

Archive by Author

Lückentext – cloze Posted by on Mar 13, 2013

Hi everyone, this time the cloze is about the declination of adjectives. The words are given, but you have to transform them the right way. Here´s an example: Ich habe ein sehr altes (alt) Motorrad. Got it? Use the comment field to write down your solutions. In a couple of days I will publish mine…

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Was passiert in Deutschland? – What’s up in Germany? Posted by on Feb 13, 2013

Although there is no top news from Germany these days, I want to give you an overview of what is happening over here and what people have to deal with. Mixed with a little vocabulary training, this should help you to be up to date considering German affairs. Benedikt  XVI. tritt zurück (resigns). Although this…

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50 Jahre deutsch-französische Freundschaft Posted by on Jan 30, 2013

These days, Germany and France are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their friendship. Conditioned by history, this is anything but self-evident! My grandfather used to be a prisoner of war in France after World War II. I myself used to live in France for a while and have a lot of friends over there. That´s…

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Dividable verbs – trennbare Verben Posted by on Jan 16, 2013

Although January already is in the middle: Happy new year to all of you! I hope you had some nice Christmas days and a good start in 2013! For me it all began with moving to another apartment. That´s why I was a bit silent the last weeks… I want to start with an exercise…

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Das Unwort des Jahres – faux-pas word of the year Posted by on Dec 5, 2012

Today I want to let you know about a strange linguistic thing that happens in Germany every year since 1991. A jury of linguists and journalists regularly nominates the “Unwort des Jahres” (faux-pas word of the year). Understandably you might ask: why? Well, the goal of the action is to achieve a more sensitive way…

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Mnemonics – Eselsbrücken Posted by on Nov 21, 2012

If you run into problems with a certain word or grammar rule while learning German, maybe one of the following mnemonics might help!  But a little German is required to get them anyway… Großschreibung von Nomen: Sei doch schlau und merk dir bloß: Nomen schreibt man immer groß! -ung, -heit, -keit ein Nomen steht bereit. -schaft, -tum…

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The most important comma rules in German Posted by on Nov 7, 2012

Hi everyone, for being a lazy comma user myself, I will try to show you the most important comma rules in German. Hopefully you will use them more successful than me 🙂 A comma is set… 1. …between main and subordinate clauses – in front of subordinating conjunctions (“dass”, “weil”, etc.) Meine Katze freut sich…

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