Celebrating Birthdays in Germany Posted by Larissa on Sep 18, 2018 in Traditions
Hello, my birthday was a couple of weeks ago which inspired me to write this post. I love birthdays – there is nothing better than a day of giving or recieving presents, eating cake and just generally being happy!
Germany celebrates birthdays pretty much the same way as in the UK or USA, there is cake, singing and a party. Here is a vocabulary list for you and two songs that you can sing. One is the usual “happy birthday to you” song and the second one is different which I find has a nicer ring to it.
der Geburtstag the birthday (Geburt = birth, Tag = day)
das Geburtstagskind the birthday child
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! happy birthday!
Geburtstagswünsch birthday wish
die Familie the family
die Freunde the friends
die Überraschung the surprise
die Einladungen the invitations
die Ballons the balloons
das Kuchen the cake
die Kerzen the candles
die Geburtstagsfeier the birthday party
die Geschenke the presents
das Geschenkpapier the wrapping paper
Here is the first German birthday song:
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
Zum Geburtstag liebe …….
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
English translation:
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear ……
Happy birthday to you!
The next song we always used to sing when someone had their birthday when I was studying in Munich. You can also sing it in canon, which means one group starts singing and once they reach the second line the second group starts singing the first line.
Viel Glück und viel Segen
auf all deinen Wegen,
Gesundheit und Frohsinn
sei auch mit dabei.
English translation:
Good luck and many blessings
on all of your ways
Health and happiness
will also be with you
The song is called “Viel Glück und viel Segen” incase you want to youtube it to hear what it sounds like.
Do you enjoy celebrating birthdays?
Thanks for reading,

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Feliz Cumpleaños Larissa!
Thank U for sharing!
Jeanette Ertel:
For many years I have made some attempt at learning German. I am a senior, long retired as an editor. I would like to be able to read German more easily. I consider myself still at the beginner level.