Grüß Gott, und herzlich willkommen to the newly established German blog!
I have been given the wonderful opportunity to take you on a journey through one of my favorite countries; Germany. It is with great excitement that I wish to share with you some insights about this beautiful country I grew up next to, and have lived in for 6 years. Of course, I have moved to the Vereinigten Staaten for quite some time now, and although I am fluent in German; I am a bit rusty. Nevertheless, I do go back every other year to visit my favorite places.
During my stay in Deutschland, I have come to appreciate the kindness and hospitality of the people that crossed my path. Später, I will tell to you more about my upbringing and experiences related to Germany. Aber was heute anbetrifft, I’d like to tell you about the Christmas season in Germany; since it is right around the corner!
So, if you are planning to visit Germany during the month of December, be sure to check out the Christmas market, or Weihnachtsmarkt, also known as Christkindlesmarkt in Nürnberg. I have no doubt that there are many great Weihnachtsmärkte throughout Deutschland, but I do have especially fond memories of the one in Nuremberg. I can still remember the enticing smells of Glühwein, Lebküchen (especially the Schokolade -covered ones) and Knacks und Pommes, but mostly, I remember the Altstadt and the beautifully crafted Christmas ornaments hanging from the little wooden stalls packed together auf dem Hauptplatz.
I have done some research for you, and found this great website. It should give you all the information you need about the Nuremberg Christmas market. It is written in German, but the site allows you to change the content to different languages. Schauen Sie sich mal herum und sagen Sie mir bitte was Sie davon denken.
Also dann, alles Gute und bis zum nächsten Mal!
Very interesting approach to improve my German skill.
G. Kastner:
Hallo Nathlie,
Dank für die Geschichte über Sankt Nikolaus. Es bringt Erinnerungen zu mir zurück. Als ein Kind, meine Schwester und ich unsere Schuhe neben die Tür setzten. Mein Großvater, der in Süd-West deutschland geboren wurde, setzte Äpfel, Orangen und Nüsse in unseren Schuhen.
Thanks for the memories!
Grüße aus Oklahoma!
G. Kastner
Larry Boldt:
Hello Nat,
I am interested in what was happening in Prussia between the 1800 and 1900, particually near Berlin…. Do you have a suggestion?
Larry Boldt
Robert Gardner:
von Robert
Hi Larry,
I will do more research on the subject, but in the mean time, check out this website:
This movie is called,”Die Deutschen – Ein Jahrtausend Geschichte”. It has gotten some great reviews.
Once you are on the page, find Sitemap and start by clicking on Karte #7. Look for Berlin and click on it. It will give you some information about what was happening during that time.
I hope this helps.
diana munzer:
Vielen Dank fur die geschichte uber nicholas. Jeden tag mochte ich Deutsch lesen. Danke fur schrieben.