German Language Blog

Skigebiete in Deutschland – Skiing regions in Germany Posted by on Jan 27, 2011 in Culture, Holidays, Sports

Down from approximately the middle, Germany is a pretty hügeliges (hilly) country. There are some Mittelgebirge (low mountain ranges) and close to the southern boarder, Germany joins the European alps. The Zugspitze (2.962 m) is the highest mountain of Germany. Though in Austria, Switzerland and France the Alps are even higher (up to almost 5.000 m), the heights of Germany are pretty impressive compared to Nachbarländer (neighboring countries) like the Netherlands, Belgium or Denmark. I know, I know: For most of you this might sound ridiculous because almost every Kontinent (continent) has higher altitudes to offer.

But anyway: There´s enough space to go skiing!

Skifahren (skiing) as well as snowboarding has become a very popular sport in Germany in the last Jahrzehnten (decades). And at the same time the Skigebiete (skiing regions) expanded as well. Even the lower mountain ranges have a lot of small lifts and pistes to offer although they often have bad luck with the Schneeverhältnisse (snow conditions). You can find the bigger and more snowy ones down south. In the west, there are some nice places in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest). The most famous one there is called Feldberg. It´s named after the highest mountain of the Schwarzwald which is quite close to the skiing region.

If you go east from there, you´ll find yourself in a region that is called Allgäu. This a beautiful hilly and mountainous are with a lot of cows, farms and picturesque landscapes. When you go deep into the Allgäu you will reach a “blind alley” that ends in the village of Oberstdorf. There you have two nice skiing regions called Nebelhorn and Fellhorn.

Even more east there is a village called Garmisch-Partenkirchen. There you can find the skiing region that reaches up the Zugspitze. One lift goes up almost to the Gipfel (summit). But there are no pistes to ski. I´ve never been there personally, but I guess you have a beautiful view up there.

So if you come to Germany in winter, why not spending a day in the snow? Borrowing skis and other equipment is no problem. At least in the bigger skiing regions.

If you want to go skiing for a longer time, for example a week, it might be better to go to bigger areas in Austria, Switzerland, France or Italy. There are just more possibilities to keep things abwechslungsreich (varied).

Another hint: If you have the possibility to choose, don´t go during the school holidays or on weekends, because then the skiing regions are way more crowded and more expensive as well.

Here´s an overview of German skiing regions. Click on them to learn more:

Hügelig – hilly
Das Mittelgebirge – lower mountain range
Das Nachbarland – neighboring country
Der Kontinent – continent
Skifahren – skiing
Das Jahzehnt – decade
Das Skigebiet – skiing region
Die Schneeverhältnisse – snow conditions
Der Schwarzwald – Black Forest
Der Gipfel – summit
Abwechslungsreich – varied

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About the Author: jan

My name is Jan and I live in the south west of Germany. My profession is being a project manager at a company that creates digital media (first of all internet related things). This is my job since over a decade so I´m quite familiar with the web and its tools. Whereat today almost every school kid does. But that´s one of the main reasons why nowadays there are quasi no more limits in the internet and so it can be used for all imaginable types of things. For example learning languages! And that´s where we are at the moment. I first got in touch with Transparent Language when my family and I used to live in France a couple of years ago. I just had a break from work and by coincidence I produced some cultural videos in French. A few months later the whole blogging thing came up and I was lucky to be a part of it. So now my (second) job is to feed you with information, exercises, vocabulary, grammar and stories about Germany and German language. For being a passionate videographer I´m trying to do this more and more by videos. If you have any wishes or needs of topics that should be treated here, please don´t hesitate to contact me via a comment field. I´m open to your suggestions (as long as they are not too individual) and will try to satisfy your needs.


  1. Bob:

    Thank you for your post. My late wife and I toured southern Germany in 1982. Your post was a welcomed moment of nostalgia.

    I remember three things about Zugspitze: the incredible vista, delicious gipfel (summit) schnapps, and the ferocious wind that blew my new sunglasses right off me and probably into nordwestlichen Österreich (northwestern Austria).

  2. Phil:

    Viele Informationen und nette Bilder.
    Gibts auch mal wieder updates?

    Schöne Grüße aus dem Allgäu.