German Language Blog

Tag Archives: animals

What’s the difference between the German Hähnchen and Hühnchen? Posted by on Feb 24, 2022

chicken hähnchen hühnchen huhn curious german words

We have a confusing situation on German menus: Sometimes, you encounter die Hühnerbrust (chicken breast), other times it’s der Hähnchenbraten (chicken roast). But what is the difference between Hühnchen and Hähnchen? Are they used interchangeably, or should you be careful which one to use? Here’s all you need to know about these curious German words. Click here for more posts…

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11 Animal-Related Sayings In German Posted by on Nov 17, 2021


Guten Tag! Today I have a light-hearted little post for you where you will get to learn some Sprichwörter (das Sprichwort: The saying/proverb). In particular, this post will focus on Sprichwörter relating to die Tiere (das Tier: animal)! 11 animal-related sayings in German Da steppt der Bär Literally: ‘There dances the bear’ Meaning: “That’s where…

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Talking About Cats In German Posted by on May 24, 2021


Guten Tag! Are you a Katzenliebhaber (cat lover)? If so, this post about cats is for you! Last summer, a TikTok video showing a man calling cats in different languages went viral. The video shows Dennis, or g.catt.eng as he is called on TikTok, trying to get various cats’ attention with different languages. None of…

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The Pig In The German Language Posted by on Mar 16, 2020

Guten Tag! The German language has some wonderfully quirky sayings, and sometimes, there is a theme to them. Today we’re looking at German sayings that all have one thing in common: A pig. There are plenty of sayings in German that use the humble Schwein (pig) to make their point. Let’s get straight into them!…

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Sayings + Expressions 19: Horses Posted by on Oct 12, 2018

Back again with a Sayings + Expressions, and this time we will talk about strong, beautiful and loyal animals: horses! If you want to read other posts in this series, follow this link. Now, let’s start with the Sprichwort (saying)! Dazu/dahin bringen mich keine zehn Pferde! Literally: No ten horses will make me do that/go there! Wild horses…

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What’s Your Star Sign In German? Posted by on Sep 14, 2018

Guten Tag! Whether die Astrologie (astrology) interests them or not, most people are aware of what their Sternzeichen (star sign) is. In today’s post, we’ll be looking at the star signs in German! In German, the term das Sternzeichen literally translates to ‘star sign’, but another word for it is das Tierkreiszeichen, which translates to…

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Let’s Count Insects! – Insektensommer 2018 Posted by on Aug 9, 2018

It is a hot Sommer (summer), an besonderer (exceptional) one. But there is also something not that besonders about this Sommer: In general, more and more Germans say: Es gibt immer weniger Insekten (There are fewer and fewer insects). Some claim that they had to start the Scheibenwischer (windshield wiper) to remove all the Insekten from their Frontscheibe a few years ago. Now, they may have just a single Fleck (spot). Aber…

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