Tag Archives: Coal
The End of Germany’s Coal Posted by Sten on Dec 22, 2018

Die letzte Zeche wurde geschlossen! In 2007, Germany decided to phase out hard coal production in 2018, which was today. Steinkohle was an important component to rebuild Germany after the Second World War. The reason is simple: Germany’s coal was simply no longer competitive on the global market. The last day of Steinkohleförderung (hard coal mining) took place at Schachtanlage (shaft…
Astro-Alex Came Home! Posted by Sten on Dec 21, 2018

Early in the morning (6 a.m. CET) yesterday, Alexander Gerst landed with two Kollegen (colleagues) with their Soyuz capsule in Kazakhstan. After being fished out of the capsule and a few check-ups, the Astronauten (astronauts) were received alive and well. What did we learn from Alexander Gerst, and what did his time in space mean? Landung nach 200 Tage…