Tag Archives: future I
Reflecting & Setting Goals In German Posted by Constanze on Jan 10, 2018

Guten Tag, und gutes neues Jahr (hello, and happy new year!)! Are you the kind of person who likes looking back on the year just gone, and looking forward to the year ahead? I know I definitely am! On Silvester (New Year’s Eve) I sat and wrote in my Tagebuch (diary) about what I’ve felt…
German tenses in use: Futur II Posted by Sandra Rösner on Dec 27, 2011
The Futur II is used on different occasions. a) You use Futur II to refer to actions that will take place in the future and that will have been completed in the future. You form sentences with the conjugated form of the auxiliary verb werden (will), the past form of the verb, and the…
German tenses in use: Futur I Posted by Sandra Rösner on Dec 22, 2011
a) The Futur I is used to express that an action will only begin after the moment of speaking, especially when you are planning something or making prognoses. You form sentences with a conjugated form of the auxiliary verb “werden” (will). Singular Plural 1st person ich werde(I will) wir werden(we will) 2nd person du…