German Language Blog

Tag Archives: germany

Some simple facts about Germany Posted by on Nov 21, 2011

Germany is located in the heart of Europe. It has nine Nachbarstaaten (neighboring states) and it naturally borders the Nordsee (North Sea) and Ostsee (Baltic Sea) and the European Alps in the south (The borders to all neighboring states are open, by the way. The only exception is Switzerland). With its 357.111,92 km², it is…

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Reading comprehension: Summer weather in Germany Posted by on Aug 31, 2011

Man merkt, dass es bald Herbst wird in Deutschland. Während der vergangenen Nächte war es schon sehr kalt. Tagsüber scheint die Sonne zwar immer noch, aber die Temperaturen sinken allmählich merklich. Im Frühjahr dachte ich noch, dass wir dieses Jahr einen bombastisch heißen Sommer kriegen würden, weil es an einige Frühlingstagen schon sehr schwül war…

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Deutschland und Weltreligionen – Germany and world religions Posted by on Feb 16, 2011

Recently I was talking to my Australian friend and I asked him what he finds interesting about the German culture. He broached the subject religion. He told me that he had noticed a trend of Atheism in the newly formed states of Germany. This trend is grounded in the history of East Germany. When in…

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Die Deutschen und ihre Biere – The Germans and their beers Posted by on Jul 2, 2010

Germany is often associated with its beer, or should I say beers? There are so many verschiedene Sorten (different sorts) and Marken (brands) that you actually need a Dimplom (diploma) to be able to distinguish them all. By the way, I am only joking. There is not something like a beer-diploma! So, versteht mich bitte…

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Stuttgart Posted by on May 24, 2010

Today I want to introduce the city of Stuttgart to you. I guess a lot of you didn´t even hear the name because when you think of Germany, your thoughts are obviously connected to Berlin, Hamburg, München (Munich), Frankfurt and maybe Köln (Cologne ). But for me being born and living the biggest part of…

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Springtime Posted by on Apr 23, 2010

As every year, the winter seemed to be endlos (endless) and harsh. In fact, it was a very cold winter this time with many extreme situations like frozen rivers (no more traffic), endless Staus (traffic jams) with countless accidents, homeless people freezing…

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