German Language Blog

Tag Archives: learn German

3 Tips For Remembering German Plurals (Continued) Posted by on Feb 18, 2020

As promised, I am continuing on from my last blog post, helping you remember the right grammar to use for plurals. I sometimes find German grammar overwhelming as there are so many rules, so I hope these bitesize tips will make German plurals easy for you! If you haven’t seen my last blog post, you…

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3 Tips For Remembering German Plurals Posted by on Jan 28, 2020

There are a lot of rules in German for forming plurals. In English it is a bit easier, as we mostly just add an “s” onto the end of the word (of course there are still some exceptions). The other day when I was teaching a fitness class, I realized I didn’t know what the…

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My Top Three German Songs of the Decade! Posted by on Dec 17, 2019

I remember the first time I recognized a German song that I knew the words to. It was in a clothes shop and I started singing along to the music in my head, without realizing that it was in a different language. It is amazing how music can help you learn a different language. Carrying on from…

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Three Easy German Grammar Rules to Remember Posted by on Sep 3, 2019

German grammar can sometimes be really confusing – which article to use, how does the article change in the accusative case, when to use a capital letter, and so on. Although I personally find it easier to speak casually when I’m not actively thinking about grammar, it is always good to have a refresher on some…

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Two of the Longest Words in German Posted by on Jan 22, 2019

As an English speaker we are used to short, simple words, which means it can be quite intimidating when reading German words that are three times as long as what they are in English! Here’s a post with two of the longest German words, what they mean, and some tips on helping you decipher those…

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Celebrating Birthdays in Germany Posted by on Sep 18, 2018

Hello, my birthday was a couple of weeks ago which inspired me to write this post. I love birthdays – there is nothing better than a day of giving or recieving presents, eating cake and just generally being happy! Germany celebrates birthdays pretty much the same way as in the UK or USA, there is…

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Body Parts In German – Advanced Posted by on Jun 27, 2018

Guten Tag! In my last post I took it back to basics and taught you what all of the different body parts are called in German. This is a topic that is always useful, especially if you go to the doctor in Germany, for example. As there are so many different body parts and names…

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