Tag Archives: news in germany
German Word of the Year 2019 Runners Up Posted by Constanze on Jan 1, 2020

Guten Tag! Each year, the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS) – The German Language Association – picks a word as their Wort des Jahres – ‘Word of the Year’. This is often a word related to a prominent topic in the country during the year, and is usually interesting from a linguistic perspective, too. The…
Germany’s Illegal Sustainability Trend Posted by Larissa on Jun 25, 2019

Sustainability is becoming more important everyday as the world becomes more aware of climate change. However in Germany one sustainability trend is actually illegal. Tonnes of food is thrown away every day, mainly from supermarkets because it is past its sell by date, this however doesn’t mean it isn’t edible. Containern – in English “dumpster…
German Word Of The Year 2018 Runners-Up (Part 2) Posted by Constanze on Apr 24, 2019

Guten Tag! As you may know from previous posts, each year the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS) – The German Language Association – picks a word as their Wort des Jahres – Word of the Year. They also publish the top 10 most voted for out of all of the words submitted. You can read…
German Word Of The Year 2018 Runners-Up (Part 1) Posted by Constanze on Apr 17, 2019

Guten Tag! As you may know from previous posts, each year the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS) – The German Language Association – picks a word as their ‘Wort des Jahres’ – ‘Word of the Year’. They also publish the top 10 most voted for out of all of the words submitted. You can read…
What is Schleichwerbung in Germany? Posted by Larissa on Mar 22, 2019

Social Media has boomed the past few years, and with platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and blogs a lot of people have managed to create their dream career. In Germany they have tightened the laws on Schleichwerbung. What is Schleichwerbung? Schleichwerbung translates to sneaky advert. Schleichen = to sneak and Werbung = advert. A lot…