Tag Archives: open air pool
German Swimming Vocabulary Posted by Constanze on Jul 14, 2021

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to learn some vocabulary for a popular summer activity: das Schwimmen – Swimming! Swimming vocabulary Firstly, here is the verb schwimmen (to swim) in the present tense: Ich schwimme – I swim/am swimming Du schwimmst – You swim/are swimming (informal, singular) Er/sie/es schwimmt He/she/it swims/is swimming Wir schwimmen – We…
Hundstage – Dog Days Posted by jan on Aug 30, 2011
Last week we had the so called “Hundstage” (Dog Days) in Germany. Don´t think about the movie from 1975 starring Al Pacino. It´s more abtut the Wetter (weather). I guess the meaning of Hundstage respectively Dog Days is the same in German and English. Well, I simply wanted to say: It was soooo hot! In…