Tag Archives: subordinate clauses
German Subordinating Conjunctions Posted by Constanze on May 30, 2018

Guten Tag! Today I’m bringing you a simple post on German subordinating conjunctions. If even the name of this makes you yawn, don’t worry – I’m going to keep it simple! German subordinating conjunctions are basically ‘joining words’ such as because, although, and before. In this post I’ll explain what these kinds of joining words…
German word order: Subordinate Clauses, part 2 Posted by Sandra Rösner on Sep 24, 2012
In my last post I explained how to form subordinate clauses with only one verb. Now, let’s go one step further and have a look at subordinate clauses that contain two verbs. When a sentence contains two verbs, one of them is always a full verb and the other is either an auxiliary verb or…
German word order: Subordinate Clauses, part 1 Posted by Sandra Rösner on Sep 23, 2012
German word order can be a pain in the neck. This time, I am dealing with subordinate clauses and I hope that I can bring some light into the darkness. A subordinate clause cannot stand on its own but has to be linked to a main clause: “Sabine trinkt ein Glas Wasser, weil sie Durst…