Tag Archives: swimming
Open Water Swimming: German Vocabulary Posted by Constanze on Jul 21, 2021

Guten Tag! Last week, we explored some swimming vocabulary, including the names of different areas of a swimming pool, and types of swimming (breast stroke, front crawl, etc.). This week, we’re taking it outdoors and exploring Freiwasserschwimmen (open water swimming) and the famous Wim Hof Method that involves Eisbaden (ice bathing)! Wer ist Wim Hof?…
German Swimming Vocabulary Posted by Constanze on Jul 14, 2021

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to learn some vocabulary for a popular summer activity: das Schwimmen – Swimming! Swimming vocabulary Firstly, here is the verb schwimmen (to swim) in the present tense: Ich schwimme – I swim/am swimming Du schwimmst – You swim/are swimming (informal, singular) Er/sie/es schwimmt He/she/it swims/is swimming Wir schwimmen – We…