German Language Blog

Tag Archives: traditions

How My Brother Became an Old Sock Posted by on Jul 30, 2016

A few days ago, my brother turned 25. Socks were hung up everywhere to make it clear: He is now an Alte Socke (“old sock”)! The Alte Socke receives a Sockenkranz (sock wreath), which is hung up outside the house, so everyone can see that a member of the household has turned 25. Old Socken are filled with Stroh (straw) or something else like…

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You Won’t Expect The Thing Germans Say If Somebody Burps! Posted by on Jul 27, 2016

Rülpsen (burping). It is a thing we all do, to save our Magen (stomachs) from having to deal with all the air we swallow with food and drinks. For Niesen (sneezing), people of many cultures tell the sneezing person something like Gesundheit! (literally: “health!”, meaning “bless you!”). It is usually some way to wish that person good health, as Niesen is often associated with an Erkältung (cold)…

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All About The Lederhosen and Dirndl Posted by on Sep 25, 2015

As Oktoberfest is in full swing in München, many of you will be seeing (or wearing!) the traditional garments known as Lederhosen or Dirndl. In this post, I’m going to tell you a little about where they originate, why they were worn (and how they are worn today), and give you a few other facts…

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Ozapft is! Oktoberfest 2014 has begun! Posted by on Sep 20, 2014

Today marks the start of the annual Oktoberfest in München! Here are a few facts about the world’s largest and most popular beer festival.   A brief history of Oktoberfest Oktoberfest began in 1810 – a whopping 204 years ago – when King Ludwig I married Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen, and invited all of the…

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