Tag Archives: university
Curious German Words: Kommilitone Posted by Sten on May 21, 2021

Like any other language, German has some odd words. But also beautiful ones. In Curious German Words, we take a look at some odd words and their origins. Today, let’s take a look at a German word that might remind you of your time in school or college, a memory to your fellow students –…
German History: The White Rose Movement Posted by Constanze on Oct 28, 2020

Guten Tag! It’s been a while since I’ve done a travel/history post, so that’s what today’s post will be about! Today we’re going to München, Germany to learn about Sophie Scholl and Weiße Rose (White Rose), a political movement from 1942. Weiße Rose was started by a group of students at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Ludwig Maximilian University…
Interesting German Places: Olympiapark, Munich Posted by Constanze on May 15, 2019

Guten Tag! It can be fascinating to learn the history behind seemingly ordinary buildings and places. Today we’ll look at one such place, namely the Olympiapark in Munich. Olympiapark The Olympiapark München (Olympic Park, Munich) is a huge venue in Oberwiesenfeld. Originally created for die Olympische Sommerspiele 1972 (1972 Summer Olympic Games), it is used…
Back To School! German Vocabulary Posted by Constanze on Sep 7, 2016
Guten Tag! September represents the start of a new Schuljahr (school year). Do you remember how you felt at this time? Perhaps you felt die Aufregung (excitement) at seeing your friends again, or die Angst (fear) at going somewhere new? In this post I’ll give you all the vocabulary you need to paint the picture…
The German school system Posted by jan on Mar 18, 2010
The German school system.