Tag Archives: words
How To Play Wordle In German Posted by Constanze on Mar 9, 2022

Guten Tag! Have you heard of Wordle? It’s a new, online game that seems to have taken the world by storm. It looks a little like a crossword (das Kreuzworträtsel), but the way it works is quite different! The great thing about Wordle is that, although it started as an English language game, it is…
The German Expression ‘Vitamin B’ Posted by Constanze on Jun 16, 2021

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to look at a term that isn’t what it seems in German! The term in question is Vitamin B. What is Vitamin B? In one context, the phrase Vitamin B is exactly what it looks like: the German translation of vitamin B. In German, the word Vitamin is spelt the…
The German Word ‘Volk’ Posted by Constanze on Jun 9, 2021

Guten Tag! We have talked before on the blog about words with loaded meanings/stigma attached to them – such as this post, German words associated with Nazism. Today we’re going to look at another such word in more detail. It’s a very small, simple word, but sometimes even these words have a surprising amount of…
The German Word ‘Mensch’ Posted by Constanze on May 26, 2021

Hallo! In today’s post we’re going to look at the German word der Mensch in greater detail. I will tell you what it means, the different ways it’s used, and a few alternative words with the same or similar meanings. Let’s get started. He’s a really great guy! You may have heard or seen this…
4 Ways To Say ‘Nonsense’ In German Posted by Constanze on Apr 26, 2021

Guten Tag! Today’s post is about die Rede (speech), something we have touched upon before in this post, where I explained the difference between sagen, reden, sprechen, and other words meaning ‘to talk’ or ‘to speak’. Today’s post is more about the contents of that speech – in particular, 4 ways to say nonsense in…
How The Umlaut Changes German Words Posted by Constanze on Apr 14, 2021

Guten Tag! Today we’re looking at the Umlaut – specifically, German words whose meanings change depending on whether an Umlaut is present in the word, or not! Hopefully this will help you to recognise and avoid some common errors when it comes to using the Umlaut. Firstly, what is the Umlaut? If you’re not familiar…
German Words Relating To Marriage Posted by Constanze on Mar 24, 2021

Guten Tag! I recently had a request to explain words relating to marriage, such as die Ehe, die Heirat, and der Ehemann. In fact, the German language has a handful of words on this subject that are easily muddled up, as their similarity of meaning can be confusing to learners. So in this post I…