Weibliche Substantive im Deutschen erkennen: Teil 2 – Detecting German feminine nouns: part 2 Posted by Sandra Rösner on Jan 16, 2012 in Grammar, Language
Last time is was said that all those nouns are feminine, which refer to female humans (die Mutter-mother; die Tante-aunt), female animals (die Stute-mare; die Sau-sow), and female occupations (die Ärztin-phyisician; die Friseurin-haidresser). Let’s have a look now, which nouns are also commonly feminine in German.
a) Some names of animal species
die Auster – oysterdie Larve – larva
die Muschel – shell die Schnecke – snail |
die Fliege – flydie Made – maggot
die Raupe – caterpillar die Ziege – goat |
b) Names of trees, fruits, and flowers
A lot of tree names, fruit names, and flower names are feminine in German
die Buche – beechdie Eiche – oak tree
die Eibe – yew die Fichte – spruce die Kastanie – chestnut die Kiefer* – pine tree die Lärche – larch die Linde – lime tree die Palme – palm tree die Tanne – fir die Ulme – elm die Ananas – pineapple |
die Birne – peardie Kirsche – cherry
die Erdbeere – strawberry die Banane – banana die Kiwi – kiwi fruit die Orange – orange die Rose – rose die Aster – aster die Dahlie – dahlia die Orchidee – orchid die Nelke – carnation die Narzisse – narcissus |
* This is a so called homonym. That is, this word denoted two completely different things. When you use “Kiefer” with the article “die” you talk about a pine tree, but when you use “Kiefer” with the article “der” you talk about a jawbone.
Exceptions are: der Ahorn – maple / der Apfel – apple / der Pfirsich – peach / der Mohn – poppy / der Flieder – lilac / das Vergissmeinnicht – forget-me-not / das Maiglöckchen – lily of the valley / das Veilchen – violet / das Stiefmütterchen – pansy
Remember that words, which end with –el and –ich, like in “Apfel” and “Pfirsich”, are masculine in German.
c) Most bi-syllabic nouns that end with –e
Most words that have two syllables and end with an –e are usually feminine in German.
die Bitte – requestdie Lage – location, position, situation
die Mappe – portfolio, briefcase die Schule – school die Tonne – barrel die Blume – flower die Lampe – lamp die Masche – ploy, stitch die Sense – scythe die Treppe – stairs die Nase – nose die Sprache – language die Tüte – bag |
die Leine – leash, corddie Rache – revenge
die Straße – street die Stufe – step die Gasse – alley die Liebe – love die Rede – speech die Tasche – bag die Wanne – tub die Grenze – border die Liege – lounger die Säge – saw die Tasse – cup |
Exceptions are: der Junge – boy (because it refers to a male person); der Löwe – lion (because most animal species have a masculine form); das Auge – eye; das Ende – end.
Suggestion: I think it could be very supportive when you internalize the rules above in connection with learning all nouns that are new to you, regardless whether you will use them because you would remember the rules easier when you have some examples at hand.
To be continued…

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About the Author: Sandra Rösner
Hello everybody! I studied English and American Studies, Communication Science, and Political Science at the University of Greifswald. Since I have been learning English as a second language myself for almost 20 years now I know how difficult it is to learn a language other than your native one. Thus, I am always willing to keep my explanations about German grammar comprehensible and short. Further, I am inclined to encourage you to speak German in every situation. Regards, Sandra