Greek Language Blog

Archive for July, 2018

Mythical creatures and common words Posted by on Jul 30, 2018

What is common between mythical creatures and common words? If you are interested in the origin of words and how some words are related to Greek mythology, this post is for you.   #1.chimera (χίμαιρα): This is the less common word of the list. Ιt is used to mean something unreal. It Greek mythology, Chimera (Χίμαιρα)…

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Greece is mourning Posted by on Jul 25, 2018

Today is a day of mourning for Greece. More than 70 people lost their life and dozens are missing, while trying to escape the fire in Eastern Attica, 40 kilometers from Athens. The grief leaves no space for other feelings and there are no words to say. In this post there is basic vocabulary related…

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Seven colloquial expressions in Greek Posted by on Jul 18, 2018

In our conversations we use short phrases which cannot be translated.Even advanced students can find them confusing if they don’t practice conversational Greek. In this post, there are seven common colloquial expressions put in context.   #1. Αν+verb+λέει Α: Μαγειρεύεις κάθε μέρα;/ Do you cook everyday? Β: Αν μαγειρεύω λέει; Τουλάχιστον τρία φαγητά τη μέρα./…

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Why do you learn Greek? Name a reason Posted by on Jul 12, 2018

If you learn Greek and plan to conversations with a native speaker via Skype or one-to-one you should keep in mind that the first questions they will ask you is why you learn Greek and if you have ever been to Greece. In this post, there is a list of phrases that you might use…

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Greek vocabulary: special diet Posted by on Jul 5, 2018

Γεια σας!Most Greek restaurants and tavernas have English speaking staff. However, if you are on a special diet it would be very useful to say some phrases in Greek, just to avoid unpleasant surprises. In this post, there are some basic phrases that you can use. Λέξεις και φράσεις – Words and phrases είμαι αλλεργικός…

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