Archive for January, 2019
How to use basic prepositions in Greek Posted by Ourania on Jan 31, 2019

The basic prepositions beginners learn are: από, για, με, σε. They are followed by a noun or an adverb. When they are followed by a noun, the noun is in the accusative case. In this post, there are examples on their use in a sentence. #1.από It indicates: Example: Είμαι από την Ελλάδα. ->…
January 2019: two stars are born! Posted by Ourania on Jan 26, 2019

The last weeks have been “emotionally charged” for Greece: the ratification of the Prespes agreement (επικύρωση της Συμφωνίας των Πρεσπών), a Greek tennis player reaching the Australian Open semi-final and a Greek director receiving ten Oscar nominations are the highlights of the last days. Στέφανος Τσιτσιπάς (Stefanos Tsitsipas) a 20 year-old tennis player…
Greek vocabulary: common verbs deriving from adverbs Posted by Ourania on Jan 13, 2019

Γεια σας! When learning a language, it is interesting and useful to know the origin of a word. In this post, there are six verbs which derive from adverbs. They can be used in various contexts. #1. κοντεύω: from the adverb κοντά (near). This is a common verb we use in everyday life…
News from Greece: “Raphael” and “Sophia” bring snow Posted by Ourania on Jan 4, 2019

Καλή Χρονιά! 2019 entered bringing snowfall and low temperature and many remote villages became snowbound. “Raphael”(Ραφαήλ) is the name given to the weather phenomenon that welcomed the New Year, by the Greek scientists of the National Observatory of Athens. “Sophia” (Σοφία), a new phenomenon, started yesterday and it is expected to bring snow in Στερεά Ελλάδα…