Archive for October, 2020
Greek history quiz Posted by Ourania on Oct 28, 2020
Γεια σας! Today is a public holiday in Greece and Cyprus and we celebrate the refusal of Greece to allow the Italian forces to occupy Greek territories. In this post, there is a history quiz about Greece in World War II (Β’ Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος). #1. The name of the Greek ship that was…
Greek vocabulary: to be out of line Posted by Ourania on Oct 13, 2020
Γεια σας! We all know people who often act inappropriately and create problems to the others. Today we will see the most common phrases we use when someone “goes beyond the limits”, as we say in Greek. Most of these expressions are formed by the prefix παρα- and a verb. Παρα- means excessively…
Greek News: Education during the pandemic Posted by Ourania on Oct 5, 2020
Γεια σας! The school year has started on the 14th of September (14 Σεπτεμβρίου). In this post we will see some words and phrases related to the precautions taken due to the rise of the COVID cases (κρούσματα κορωνοϊού) in Greece. Όλα τα παιδιά άνω των τεσσάρων ετών και οι εκπαιδευτικοί φοράνε μάσκες. Οι…